Verified Military
My job is municipal, our EMS station is right next to the police station. We routinely go over there for things. I was checking the police trauma bags/AEDs in the patrol room.
Our station has its AC on, it's so fucking God damn hot out, does not feel like it's on until about midnight.
I walk into the PAB (police), the AC was at 65, the desk dispatcher was covered in a blanket and she was bitching. I told her I'd switch jobs.
Every fucking house whether in the projects across the street from Philly or a mansion in the center of Township, no fucking body has AC on. It's Satan's asshole hot here. Come on!
When I had my surgery they broke my thermostat. I can't stand cold now. I am happy with a temp of about 72, moderate humidity. But if the choice is hot or cold, I will take hot any day of the week.