Not Work Safe .

We (Duke) has a pretty renowned old world primate center, with a metric shit-ton of lemurs. People can go on tours, it's pretty cool. They have the usual know, no feeding, don't try to pet them, etc. Without fail, every year during school field trip season, some kid tries to do one or the other and gets bit. I saw this a couple years ago when we took our own kids there. Pretty hilarious actually.

Is this even real? I've seen only 1 towed jumper and he was a fucking trauma alert/TBI.

If that's me and I survive, either pulled in or cut, I'm looking for jumpmaster blood.
WTF...dude is dangling in the wind and someone's first thought is to pull out their phone and record it rather than take action to resolve the problem?

Is this even real? I've seen only 1 towed jumper and he was a fucking trauma alert/TBI.

If that's me and I survive, either pulled in or cut, I'm looking for jumpmaster blood.
WTF...dude is dangling in the wind and someone's first thought is to pull out their phone and record it rather than take action to resolve the problem?
Sounds like a gal. She could be underweight. We had one guy that was always a towed jumper every time he jumped Hollywood. Combat equip he said was fine, Hollywood... nope.