Capitol Records "Severs Ties" With AI Rapper FN Meka, Apologizes To The Black Community
I don’t even know what to say about this one. They fired a rapper, who wasn't even real, for...being "racist"?!
The stupidity never ends, does it?
We demand this partnership be terminated, a formal public apology be issued, FN Meka removed from all platforms. Furthermore, all monies spent by Capitol Records and Factory New for this project will be allocated to charitable organizations that directly support Black youth in the arts, as well as marketing budgets for Black artists signed to Capitol Records. We look forward to your response and compliance.
Old girl got hand foot and mouth if she's charging 10 bucks
Old girl got hand foot and mouth if she's charging 10 bucksprolly aids too- def hep C - but that's all of em
It makes me uncomfortable too. Thanks for sharingThis post makes me uncomfortable.
Almost as uncomfortable as using poor quality lotion, but I should go now.