Not Work Safe .

First we have guys adding weights to fish, now we have a chess cheating scandal. While juicy in its own right, one of the potential mechanisms used to cheat is Shadowspear worthy.

Chess world rocked by rumours of anal beads and artificial intelligence

Chess enthusiasts online have since gone on to speculate that Niemann may have been cheating with computer assistance and anal beads.

Let's say the guy used wireless anal beads, IF that's the case I'm surprised this forum doesn't have at least 2 or 3 grandmasters.
Is there any money in professional checkers? I don't think chess is my game.

I don't know, but I'd stay away from those tournaments if I were you. Personally, I don't want to hear it when a 7 year old beats you like a "resident" of Abu Ghraib, losing your shit like Joe Pesci in Casino when he's throwing stuff at the dealer. "You like that, motherfucker? Crown you? You want me to crown you? You motherless fuck! Take your tears home to your mom you little baby!! I see you, you red-chip playing motherfucker with your double jumps turning corners and shit!" Crown me....Ima crown you with this fucking box of crayons!"
Shout out to whoever was just in our second floor bathroom. This morning I'm hosting Enchildapalooza with Black Beans on the main stage sponsored by this morning's McDonalds coffee; dinner was delicious bee tee dubs.

Black Beans are playing their #1 single Digestion Confession when in walks The Man. You could feel and taste the cloud of self-loathing emanating from my stall, so what does this Mad Lad, this Warrior, this BEAST of a human being do? Brushes his teeth 10 feet from ground zero.

This is easily the worst company on the planet. It's entirely a service-based company yet aside from selling tickets at a significantly inflated price, it offers no service to It's customers. In fact, they seem to exist solely for the purpose of fleecing customers. If ever a company was deserving of legal action to dissolve it, it's Ticketmaster.

I realize this is not news but I just gave me an anal reaming again and it still hurts.
Shout out to whoever was just in our second floor bathroom. This morning I'm hosting Enchildapalooza with Black Beans on the main stage sponsored by this morning's McDonalds coffee; dinner was delicious bee tee dubs.

Black Beans are playing their #1 single Digestion Confession when in walks The Man. You could feel and taste the cloud of self-loathing emanating from my stall, so what does this Mad Lad, this Warrior, this BEAST of a human being do? Brushes his teeth 10 feet from ground zero.


You were never in the infantry, were you?