Not Work Safe .

Out of curiosity, I just google mapped Bagram, and I noticed the imagery is all up to date now. I know in 19 when I was there, all of the imagery was still showing pre-2012 stuff.

I guess they decided it’s no longer important to mask the layout.
It wasn’t important then. That base was crawling with Taliban. They cooked and served our food, did our laundry, cleaned our bathrooms, you name it. I’ll bet a dollar there were Taliban who knew more about the base than almost everyone there.
It wasn’t important then. That base was crawling with Taliban. They cooked and served our food, did our laundry, cleaned our bathrooms, you name it. I’ll bet a dollar there were Taliban who knew more about the base than almost everyone there.
Those Haqqani Network guys sure did. Not that it helped them a whole bunch though.
GWOT-E medal is for deploying in support of the war on terror.

GWOT-S medal is for "support" during the war on terror. It was basically an automatic ribbon award 30 days after training was complete for a while.

When I graduated basic in 2009, everyone had a three ribbon rack. Army Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and the GWOT-S