Not Work Safe .

I’m guessing we both saw the recent video…F her, that dude was not doing anything wrong.

”They” prance around the free weight area dressed pretty much like the meme above, and then all but cry ‘rape’ if they happen to see you catching a glance via a mirror or by simple distraction.

It’s S like this that caused me to quit LifeTime, buy a Peloton and set of weights, and call it a day.
She did get called out, and made an “apology” but then tried to deflect it saying she was sexually assaulted so she just has lingering trauma and doubts
Lol. Serious, right!

Fucking CIF. I recall outprocessing CIF, an employee sliced his hand, I helped him out, bandaged him up. He was grateful, said if I need any favors, find him. Turned my shit in on first round.

Went back to aid station, told story, PS gave me old shit to trade in plus some GI first aid kits for them, traded a shit load of old stuff for new, including a new woobie i still have to this day. Lol.