A little sad that I suspect someone I know and like may be a Green Beret poser


Sep 12, 2012
He is somewhat of a public figure (if you watch reality shows) and owns a gun shop. Really nice guy, active in the community and helping inner city youth.

My problem, he cannot not be any older than 55 and talks about his time in Vietnam as a Green Beret - it was towards the end of the war he says, and their mission was to find and bring out any POW's they could find. He tells me he was shot in the back by an AK47 (and then another time it was a sniper). I've seen in print that he was a Green Beret with the 101st Airborne. Is that even possible?

I'd rather not out him on a public forum, he does not make his living off of this lie, and I cannot find anywhere on Facebook or Twitter where he claims it. (expect once during the time he was on the TV show).

Anyone from that era (or current if you can help) be willing to reach out to me via PM? I'd be happy to give you the name and let you see what you can find out?

Thanks much if you are willing to help me out...
I am 55, and way to young to have served in VN.
He would have been 18 in 1977.
Are you sure about his age?

I am sure of his age, at least as sure as I can be based on the fluff stories done on him during his reality show period.

Someone from the forum (staff member) has been in contact with me...I just don't why folks make this stuff up...especially when you are somewhat of a public figure.

Based on what I hear back, and the recommendation of the staff member who reached out to me, I'll report back my findings.
You may want to find a copy of the video where he makes the statement(s). If it is on Youtube use a site like keepvid.com to download yourself a copy. As I've posted elsewhere, outing posers usually ends poorly.
@Freefalling , honestly I am not even looking to publicly out the guy. I know him a little bit, he always gives me great deals on guns that I buy from him (he's a licensed dealer) and was (is) going to do an AR build for me.

He does not use his military background, whatever it may be, in advertisments for his gun shop or conceal/carry classes, but he does tell stories once he's got your attention. The whole thing just really bums me out...he's done great things for the gun community here, and is looking to open another shop in a city that has resisted a gun range in the past. It's been said on this forum so many times, be proud of what you did in the military, whatever it was, because somehow it supports the door kickers.
If he's truly 55 he was not in Vietnam. Most ground combat units were gone by mid '71. Advisors, aviation & support elements were out by '75. The 101st was back in Kentucky by April '72.
I'm 59 and as I enlisted Jul 73 and completed BMT in Aug 73 before my 18th birthday. There was a slight possibility I could have made into SEA in September 1974 if my first duty assignment was to NKP and not Iceland. I generally unquestionably call BS on anybody who is two years or more younger than me.
The whole thing just really bums me out...he's done great things for the gun community here, and is looking to open another shop in a city that has resisted a gun range in the past. It's been said on this forum so many times, be proud of what you did in the military, whatever it was, because somehow it supports the door kickers.

The whole thing just really bums me out...he's done great things for the gun community here, and is looking to open another shop in a city that has resisted a gun range in the past. It's been said on this forum so many times, be proud of what you did in the military, whatever it was, because somehow it supports the door kickers.


Excuse me? What are you trying to say?
The whole thing just really bums me out...he's done great things for the gun community here, and is looking to open another shop in a city that has resisted a gun range in the past. It's been said on this forum so many times, be proud of what you did in the military, whatever it was, because somehow it supports the door kickers.

Excuse me? What are you trying to say?

He just quoted something someone else said.