Advice on contract selection

How did we get a new guy with humility? He's supposed to tell us to fuck off when we tell him something counter to his belief system or preconceived ideas. They don't EVER listen.

"Hey man, you should do xxxxx."
"Whargarbl!!!!!!!!! Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!"

I need to drink more.
Im sorry to post again, but I fealt the need to clarify, I stated the above misguided comment under the belief that MARSOC usually selects applicants with experience in the Recon community. So is this a fabrication? Im sorry Im ill informed, but thats what I kept reading around the web. Thank you again.

When MARSOC was stood up it drew from Recon. 10 years later there are guys from every background in the fleet Marine Corps serving on the MSOTs.
When MARSOC was stood up it drew from Recon. 10 years later there are guys from every background in the fleet Marine Corps serving on the MSOTs.
Oooh I see what you are saying. I did not mean any offense by that. I had just been misunderstood at the time about how MARSOC worked at the time I wrote that post. Thank you however for the lesson.