Like most of my old military friends, I now admit I was probably an adrenaline junkie back then. Ranger, Airborne, Special Forces, I loved it all - and when I see something like the attached video I realize how much I miss it sometimes. "Hell, in some ways Vietnam was some of the best times of my life." I can see how someone could feel like that now; the life-long friends I made, the excitement of chuting up for a night jump into an inky-black drop-zone, loading a chopper to go help rescue buddies pinned down in the jungle - it now almost seems like a dream - one I would live again if given the chance. No regrets. But, hey back then we were all young, six-foot tall and bullet proof. For my paratrooper friends, watch the video and reminisce; for friends and family, all I can say is, yeah we did some pretty dumb but exciting stuff!