This is what we know about Captain Lobach. Latecomer to ROTC, joined her junior year or second semester of sophomore year. Became a Distinguished Military Graduate and earned an active duty aviation slot. There is a reason why it is called Reserve Officers Training Corps as you are not guaranteed an active duty slot unless you attend a Service Academy or Senior Military College.
I say this all to point out, she was a high performer based on the facts. There also two stick jockeys in that airframe. If it is her fault, it is also the CW2s.
BUT, perhaps we should not have helicopters doing nonsense like that night? This isn't a combat aviation unit, they can fly at night somewhere else.
I've read a few place that Captain Lobach enlisted in the NC Army National Guard and then completed ROTC under the Simultaneous Membership Program. Not unusual for for ROTC folks, many of whom return to the Guard. NCARNG runs their own OCS program, so why didn't she attend that? Don't care. Guard OCS is dumber than dumb, but I digress... I'll go out on a limb and say her presence in that unit was normal and not the result of nefarious forces with an agenda. I could be wrong, but Occam and all that.
Until the AIB or some informed YouTuber comes along with solid leaks: Who was being trained, why (recurrency, initial training to the unit, etc.), did the aircraft have a history of electronic problems or gripes, total NVG time for both aviators, who was on NVGs at the time, did they have something going on in the a/c to distract them, someone taking OTC or even illegal drugs, loose ferret in the cockpit...hell, we don't know. The list is a mile long.
Or did some seasoned aviators simply make one or more mistakes? Aviation has claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of people over the last 120 years from simple mistakes. Again, Occam and all that.
As for training, where else should they train that is practical (nearby), that can closely mimic the conditions of DC (background lights and at least one river, preferably more, with no overhead lines), and lacks the distraction of an airport? Does something like that exist and they use this, and the mishap a/c was on a check ride following a training syllabus?