Verified Military
As for training, where else should they train that is practical (nearby), that can closely mimic the conditions of DC (background lights and at least one river, preferably more, with no overhead lines), and lacks the distraction of an airport? Does something like that exist and they use this, and the mishap a/c was on a check ride following a training syllabus?
First I question the purpose of those night flights. As mentioned in the WSJ article, Army GOs have clearly become lazy fucks and just rely on Gold Tops to take them everywhere instead of driving. All these dudes have assigned drivers, they can sit in traffic like everyone else. 12th Aviation Battalion should not be doing routine hops for GOs like HMX-1 does for the president and vice president.
I'm not an aviator but I don't see the purpose of doing that just to do that.
I think there might be confusion regarding her working in the White House.
For general awareness of the board, there's about 2,600 service members in the White House Military Office. (More than I'd have thought.)
Duties of the Social Aides, from wiki:
Reads like on of the hundreds of ceremonial duties the military partakes in.
Remember when Trump took over in 2016 and we found out the NSC had a staff of 400? Well 2,600 seems like a fuck tonne. DOGE where you at?
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