Alec Baldwin Trial

The more I read, the more angry I get. Not about the fact that Mr. Hollywood get off scott free on a technicality, but that it appears the technicality was due to inexcusable incompetence from the prosecutor.
Baldwin was a Hollywood douche, based on that history alone: GUILTY.
I hope a lesson was learned. Why use real guns these days in movies, anyway? Most actors are anti-gun liberals and therefore shouldn't be handling real firearms at all.

I'm still going to see the movie. I am really into westerns and I think Baldwin is a decent actor. He's a douche, but not at DeNiro level
I hope a lesson was learned. Why use real guns these days in movies, anyway? Most actors are anti-gun liberals and therefore shouldn't be handling real firearms at all.

I'm still going to see the movie. I am really into westerns and I think Baldwin is a decent actor. He's a douche, but not at DeNiro level
Bold face part, Agree.

I can fire blanks and make it look realistic. Using functional weapons doesn't make sense.
Without looking this armorer chick up, im going out on a limb and guessing she has less firearms experience than my daughter did at 12....WTF

I've been watching the testimony all day. The level of incompetence on that movie set was epic. The Armorer's assistant was also her boss and had no idea WTF was going on. The Armoror had a history of misfires on her resume and once took an ass chewing from Nick Cage because she fired off a round close by without announcing it. What's the pay? I'll check my schedule.