Am I being detained?

I was attacked by a black girl in 7th grade because I asked her to stop kicking the back of my desk. Her response "what white boy, I'll beat your white ass" I responded by standing up to leave the class room, as I was a hot headed shit back than and was in enough trouble for the year. I was always taught to never hit a girl even if she is hitting you, just take it and get the appropriate individual to deal with it. As I stood up out of my desk, this bitch attacked like a cornered cat and was all over my ass, scratching, pulling my hair, trying to gouge my left eye. The entire time I just tried to cover up and move to the door, and it wasn't until a felt her digging finger nail into my left eye, that I grabbed both of her wrists and hip tossed her into a wall, and walked out of the door, with her pursuing/attacking me all the way to the office. The vice principle actually witnessed her attacking me and me not doing anything back.

I told my story, explained what happened, several kids in the class gave statements that were inline with my explanation. The result, suspended for 3 days, ticket for fighting in school, booted from the track team. The girl who attacked me, in school suspension for 3 days and no ticket, no assault charges as I insisted and her mother attempted to sue the school for her daughter being assaulted. That same girl ended up in juvenile the next year for stabbing another girl with a writing pen.

So I can understand @TLDR20 comments, you're going to get punished for defending yourself from anyone (but definitely if its a girl) especially in a academic setting. That said, from that day forward I've taken the stance that I will never not defend myself from a female attack. Act like a man, you're gonna be treated like a man. Now in that specific situation in the video, hell no I wouldn't have knocked that chick out, I'd call her every disparaging thing in the book and walk right through her, but unless she actually attacked, than no she ain't eating my knuckles or getting her hand broke or any other crap. That all said, I'm 5'10" 215lbs dude that knows a little more about kicking ass than the average college dorks of today. That dude looked like a underdeveloped 9th grader who just finished getting baked.

My point being is everyone has to understand the punishment is real, and act accordingly to their comfortable size/skill levels. I wouldn't have been upset if dude in the video shoved girl across the hall and walked off. Someone my size, I'd might call a pussy. Either way administration/police will be investigating.

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I was attacked by a black girl in 7th grade because I asked her to stop kicking the back of my desk. Her response "what white boy, I'll beat your white ass" I responded by standing up to leave the class room, as I was a hot headed shit back than and was in enough trouble for the year. I was always taught to never hit a girl even if she is hitting you, just take it and get the appropriate individual to deal with it. As I stood up out of my desk, this bitch attacked like a corned cat and was all over my ass, scratching, pulling my hair, trying to gouge my left eye. The entire time I just tried to cover up and move to the door, and it wasn't until a felt her digging finger nail into my left eye, that I grabbed both of her wrists and hip tossed her into a wall, and walked out of the door, with her pursuing/attacking me all the way to the office. The vice principle actually witnessed her attacking me and me not doing anything back.

I told my story, explained what happened, several kids in the class gave statements that were inline with my explanation. The result, suspended for 3 days, ticket for fighting in school, booted from the track team. The girl who attacked me, in school suspension for 3 days and no ticket, no assault charges as I insisted and her mother attempted to sue the school for her daughter being assaulted. That same girl ended up in juvenile the next year for stabbing another girl with a writing pen.

So I can understand @TLDR20 comments, you're going to get punished for defending yourself from anyone (but definitely if its a girl) especially in a academic setting. That said, from that day forward I've taken the stance that I will never not defend myself from a female attack. Act like a man, you're gonna be treated like a man. Now in that specific situation in the video, hell no I wouldn't have knocked that chick out, I'd call her every disparaging thing in the book and walk right through her, but unless she actually attacked, than no she ain't eating my knuckles or getting her hand broke or any other crap. That all said, I'm 5'10" 215lbs dude that knows a little more about kicking ass than the average college dorks of today. That dude looked like a underdeveloped 9th grader who just finished getting baked.

My point being is everyone has to understand the punishment is real, and act accordingly to their comfortable size/skill levels. I wouldn't have been upset if dude in the video shoved girl across the hall and walked off. Someone my size, I'd might call a pussy. Either way administration/police will be investigating.


Agree - 100% - with Every. Single. Word.
Your post

When I was in middle school/junior high, two sisters rode my bus. Not 'of color,' they were Poor White Trash, and tormented just about everyone. They hunted weaker prey just like the freaking velociraptors on Jurassic Park. They jumped me one day on the bus, and while trying to protect myself I accidently back-handed one of them. I was the one who got in trouble despite the multiple witness statements, etc. My mother was livid. For the first time in my life she gave me carte blanche, said if I am ever jumped again, by anyone, I had better be the last one standing. Fortunately, the situation never came up again.

I saw one of the sisters a few years ago bagging groceries in a local grocery store. I am not sure if she remembered me, but right then and there I felt like beating the ever-living stuffing out of her.

It's tough living in an environment that calls for "equality" but still says "XXXX are the weaker sex" and you need show deference. Throw race into it and we are just fucked. The ultimate no-win.
I would. That is a good question, too. Also notice, if you listen to the Caucasian kid discussing the incident in the video posted by RedFlag1, how different his speech and body language is. Maybe because I'm ESL, I notice a lot of Caucasian (some others too) folks affecting a sort of "black" slang when addressing black people. Is this a way to try and relate to them? Or is it a (subconscious?) way of talking down to them?

I have a black physician colleague who speaks as properly as a Midwest newscaster, yet regularly has people speaking to him in what he calls "idiot ebonics."

Another good friend, who is Indian, a Harvard Med School grad, and owner of the largest eye surgery clinic in his area, sometimes hears patients attempting what they imagine to be an Indian accent when talking to him.

Why some people feel the need to do this is a good question for any psychs on the board. I'm interested.

I, on the other hand, am likely not a high authority on "proper" speaking or the psychology behind it. The following exemplifies what usually passes for oral communication when not addressing staff or patients:

That video is hi-larious. And so true. In no other job can one use the "F" word in so many forms and ways, and almost all of them grammatically correct.
I would. That is a good question, too. Also notice, if you listen to the Caucasian kid discussing the incident in the video posted by RedFlag1, how different his speech and body language is. Maybe because I'm ESL, I notice a lot of Caucasian (some others too) folks affecting a sort of "black" slang when addressing black people. Is this a way to try and relate to them? Or is it a (subconscious?) way of talking down to them?
As to the original video, it strikes me that these students may well be the first to be up in arms against police brutality (actual or perceived), but this particular female's actions (grabbing, standing in the way of the other student) would get most cops in various degrees of trouble if they were to do the same thing without probable cause.

It was George Carlin who pointed out that if you put a white guy with a bunch of black guys pretty soon the white guy would start talking like a black guy...but not the reverse.
It was George Carlin who pointed out that if you put a white guy with a bunch of black guys pretty soon the white guy would start talking like a black guy...but not the reverse.

Actually, he would. Or could. About the only thing I remember from sociology a million years ago is Basil Bernstein's theory of language code. That, and because I am a white male everything is my fault.
I have a black physician colleague who speaks as properly as a Midwest newscaster, yet regularly has people speaking to him in what he calls "idiot ebonics."

Another good friend, who is Indian, a Harvard Med School grad, and owner of the largest eye surgery clinic in his area, sometimes hears patients attempting what they imagine to be an Indian accent when talking to him.

Why some people feel the need to do this is a good question for any psychs on the board. I'm interested.

I, on the other hand, am likely not a high authority on "proper" speaking or the psychology behind it. The following exemplifies what usually passes for oral communication when not addressing staff or patients:

Fuckin A