American troops join Canadian forces in Kandahar province


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
Great news! It'll be good to see what kind of work will be done now. ;)

American troops join Canadian forces in Kandahar province

Last Updated: Saturday, August 30, 2008 | 1:32 PM ET

CBC News

About 800 American troops will be helping Canadian forces in the fight against Taliban insurgents in Kandahar province, military officials announced Saturday.
The new troops come from the 2nd Infantry Battalion, based at Fort Hood, Tex.
The battalion, better known as the Ramrods or the 2-2s, arrived in Kandahar in early July and are setting up a base in Maywand district, which is northwest of Kandahar city and borders on Helmand province.
U.S. Lt.-Col. Dan Hurlbut said the Americans have been scoping out the area for a few weeks. Maywand is considered a dangerous place, overrun by the Taliban, and NATO troops haven't spent much time in the area.
"Our initial impression is there are some folks who are happy to see us. There are other folks who are probably reluctant, at best, because of the Taliban presence that's been there for so long," Hurlbut said.
The Americans will come under the command of Canadian Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson, who said the U.S. battalion's mission is to disrupt the flow of Taliban money and weapons in Maywand district, making it safer in areas where some of Canada's soldiers are based.
"I am confident that their presence in this district will contribute greatly to the overall security situation and will assist in the expansion of reconstruction, development and capacity building initiatives," Thompson said.
When the U.S. forces have their base up and running, the number of NATO troops fighting insurgents in the province will nearly double to 1,800.
The Canadians have about 1,000 infantry troops in Afghanistan. In total, about 2,500 military personnel are part of Canada's mission.
The article is somewhat misleading. Canada currently has about 2,800 personnel committed to this mission. Out of that 2,800 personnel - about 1000 are infantry troops. The remainder are composed of other combat personnel as well, support units, as well as air force personnel with the Canadian Air Wing deployed. (Just thought I'd expand, as the article was a bit misleading.)
The article is somewhat misleading. Canada currently has about 2,800 personnel committed to this mission. Out of that 2,800 personnel - about 1000 are infantry troops. The remainder are composed of other combat personnel as well, support units, as well as air force personnel with the Canadian Air Wing deployed. (Just thought I'd expand, as the article was a bit misleading.)

Um, check out the last sentence of the first post, the quoted portion.