Another protest.....

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A heliocopter has been reported down near C'ville, about 1630L. It went down in a residential area. This from a VSP spokes person. The owner of the chopper has not been released yet. Two were confirmed dead in the chopper crash. Speculation is that it is a VSP aircraft that had been covering the C'ville events. The aircraft was fully engulfed in flames and the fatalities were the aircraft crew members.
All the elements for confrontation have always been in the greater C'ville area. UVA rules within the city limits and it is a place John Kerry could be crowned royalty;-). The surrounding area is a mix of strong conservative, Lee's Battle flag waiving from poles on their property and their pickup trucks. When the troubles were going on in Missouri a while back, I saw C'ville as being an event away from the same maddness.

When the decision was made to remove the statue of R E Lee from its hallowed place, the event happened. The difference in C'vill is that the LEO community has clean, and now grief laden hands. The judicial system will carry the weight with the suspect jailed for the dreadfull decision to kill with his car.

The protests and clashes could go on for days, even weeks. Removal of the Statue is still in the works and the clash could go on for quite a while. How much of this will spill outside the city? Will this make it ober the Blue Ridge Mtns. and into the Shen Valley? So far it is just in C'vill around UVA and the RE Lee Statue site.

This is a good time to be putting C'vill in my rearview.
There's video

This is straight up murder. Those alt-right Nazi fucks have thrown the first punch. They had better be prepared for whatever comes their way.
You mean they have the first kill. Antifa threw the first punch. Get it right.

As far as I'm concerned, let the Klan and those Antifa Stasi wannabes go fight it out in an open field until literally everyone dies. Let the adults handle protests and whatnot.
As far as I'm concerned, let the Klan and those Antifa Stasi wannabes go fight it out in an open field until literally everyone dies. Let the adults handle protests and whatnot.

Why? There's clearly one wrong side in this fight, and it sure as hell isn't the Antifa. This is not a simple difference of opinion. One side an absolute cancer on our society who only exists to destroy our social fabric. The other side wants to cave their skulls in. I'm perfectly fine with that. But let's not kid ourselves into thinking that these guys are just some sideshow attraction. The white nationalists are going to keep showing up and they're going to keep spreading their message of hate and violence, all the while encouraged (or at the very least tolerated) by the current administration. There is no reasoning with them, and there is no stopping them except by force.
Why? There's clearly one wrong side in this fight, and it sure as hell isn't the Antifa. This is not a simple difference of opinion. One side an absolute cancer on our society who only exists to destroy our social fabric. The other side wants to cave their skulls in. I'm perfectly fine with that. But let's not kid ourselves into thinking that these guys are just some sideshow attraction. The white nationalists are going to keep showing up and they're going to keep spreading their message of hate and violence, all the while encouraged (or at the very least tolerated) by the current administration. There is no reasoning with them, and there is no stopping them except by force.
There's definitely two sides to this. Wes Bellamy lit the match, and this is the aftermath.
Oh, I agree that the racist fucks need to go, @Salt USMC. However, I vehemently, emphatically disagree with every fiber of my being with you about Antifa. We can agree to disagree about them, at best. And if you openly support and advocate for them, then that's more than disappointing.
Antifa is always looking to counter demonstrate anything and cause damage and issues. Look at all of the legal demonstrations that have occurred....then you will see the masked fucks causing problems, even the side they are supposedly supporting don't want them there.

I hate the white supremist and the left wing demonstrators....but these Antifa guys really suck. They are only looking for conflict.
I do advocate for them, and I would hope that anyone who values an open and tolerant society would as well.

As a small-L libertarian, I advocate for an open, JUST, and tolerant society. I also advocate for people to be able to disagree openly and freely, without fear of physical harm, no matter how repugnant their views. Antifa is not that. I deeply detest any organization that brands me as racist just because I'm all in favor of the government leaving the interracial gay pot farmers next door the fuck alone.

I'd go further into why I despise Antifa, but 1) I'm on my phone at my side gig, and 2) it's falling on deaf ears anyway.
As a small-L libertarian, I advocate for an open, JUST, and tolerant society. I also advocate for people to be able to disagree openly and freely, without fear of physical harm, no matter how repugnant their views. Antifa is not that. I deeply detest any organization that brands me as racist just because I'm all in favor of the government leaving the interracial gay pot farmers next door the fuck alone.

I'd go further into why I despise Antifa, but 1) I'm on my phone at my side gig, and 2) it's falling on deaf ears anyway.
I get it, and I appreciate the sentiment. However, free and open discourse relies on both sides not only arguing in good faith, but also be willing to accept and change their viewpoints. You know, that whole "marketplace of ideas" thing. The alt-right, Neo Nazi Richard Spencer fuckstains have demonstrated neither of those qualities. YOU CANNOT REASON WITH THEM. What's worse is that their viewpoints involve the active eradication or forced removal of actual people. These aren't minor disagreements over whether abortion is moral or whatever. This is an argument over ethnically cleansing jews. You cannot argue with those people. They will not accept your words and they will continue their violence. Therefore, the only thing to meet them with is violence. It's really that simple. If you take the "live and let live" approach, if you try to remain as the impartial moderate, the problem WILL get worse. There's a certain letter, written in a certain Birmingham jail, that you should take care to read.
I get it, and I appreciate the sentiment. However, free and open discourse relies on both sides not only arguing in good faith, but also be willing to accept and change their viewpoints. You know, that whole "marketplace of ideas" thing. The alt-right, Neo Nazi Richard Spencer fuckstains have demonstrated neither of those qualities. What's worse is that their viewpoints involve the active eradication or forced removal of actual people. These aren't minor disagreements over whether abortion is moral or whatever. This is an argument over ethnically cleansing jews. You cannot argue with those people. They will not accept your words and they will continue their violence. Therefore, the only thing to meet them with is violence. It's really that simple. If you take the "live and let live" approach, if you try to remain as the impartial moderate, the problem WILL get worse. There's a certain letter, written in a certain Birmingham jail, that you should take care to read.

I've read it. Believe it or not, some people from Alabama are educated and not inbred. We agree on some things; however, I'm backing away from this thread because your condescending attitude has me a touch perturbed.
Fuck them all. As I said on facebook, in short:

BLM, Nazi/KKK/white nationalists, Antifa....all fucking jerk offs.

I cannot see how any person with a brain and education can support these cunts. Antifa, the newest of retards. Claim "anti facism" but yet, attempt to silence any person NOT in support of them. The hundreds of videos of these idiots rioting, not protesting, rioting, using mole cock tails, carrying bats? That is not meant to be a "peaceful" rally in "resistance".

This thing in VA is a giant god damned abortion. I agree with @racing_kitty on this. I also think these cunts should be let free on each other, locked in a stadium, on a hunger game match. I mean, in regards to the white power/nazi jerk offs: did we not go to war over this, and won?

Am I worried about North Korea? I guess. I'm more worried about these fucking jerk offs. I've had my run ins with white power jerk offs. Very close to me, where I was a paramedic for 14 years, there is an enclave of skinheads (Croydon, PA). Fucking assholes with their nazi ink. Had a few as pts. I tell em I'm a Jew. BLM, they are all around, calling for death to whites, cops, not fire and EMS, since we are in a uniform. Fuck all that shit.

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