Another protest.....

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If you are down there to protest on either side you are probably an asshole, a drama queen wanting attention, or to "be part of the action."

Most protesters nowadays can go eat a bag of dicks. Most of these shitbags do it just so they have something to post on social media to give their worthless lives some degree of relevance or interest. That includes the BLM folks who block highways, and the over-the-top righties dressed in their airsoft gear.

I bet this is exactly what this officer wants to be doing today.

President Trump chose how I was going to feel about him and his leadership over this situation. It was a "fastball down the middle" opportunity for the President to separate himself from these "Alt. Right/white power/supremacist groups" and ask out loud, "how does the Nazi symbol represent what America is supposed to stand for?"

It was an opportunity for him to again say to David Duke, "Get off my side."

He is instead choosing to not take a stand and choosing to walk the line of really saying nothing:
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time."

As a long time Republican, you are letting me down Mr. President. Is it about votes? Surely even you know that not speaking out is the same as saying it is acceptable to you.
I've been laughing and cussing as I read this thread. My honest opinion, is let those fuckheads on both sides kill the shit out of each other and then arrest who ever is left. I think both side suck and are nothing more than oxygen thieves.

RIP to the troopers killed in the helo-crash.

@Salt USMC you ain't right boy, advocating for Antifa, what the hell happened to you?
President Trump chose how I was going to feel about him and his leadership over this situation. It was a "fastball down the middle" opportunity for the President to separate himself from these "Alt. Right/white power/supremacist groups" and ask out loud, "how does the Nazi symbol represent what America is supposed to stand for?"

It was an opportunity for him to again say to David Duke, "Get off my side."

He is instead choosing to not take a stand and choosing to walk the line of really saying nothing:
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time."

As a long time Republican, you are letting me down Mr. President. Is it about votes? Surely even you know that not speaking out is the same as saying it is acceptable to you.
To be honest, that's the appropriate response for this. Only addressing the white supremacists would not address how this whole thing in Charlottesville started many months ago.
To be honest, that's the appropriate response for this. Only addressing the white supremacists would not address how this whole thing in Charlottesville started many months ago.

I did not say he should only address the white supremacists.
History is complicated and people shouldn't try to erase their past. Robert E Lee was a Southern patriot who fought for his state when she broke from the Union. That does not automatically make him a rascist or a bad person. You can honor the man while recognizing that the confederacy survived on the forced labor of enslaved people.

That tempered line of reasonable thinking is lost, however, when extremists take the cause hostage with their racist narrative. You immediately lose popular support for anything when you gain the KKK's backing.
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We all need to unite to stand against any hatred and bigotry that's going on here.

I know it's a lot to ask for and is totally an unrealistic goal, but nonetheless, it's one we should be striving for. That only happens when we sit down and talk to each other like adults. Additionally, we need to learn the art of compromise again.
History is complicated and people shouldn't try to erase their past. Robert E Lee was a Southern patriot who fought for his state when she broke from the Union. That does not automatically make him a rascist or a bad person. You can honor the man while recognizing that the confederacy survived on the forced labor of enslaved people.

That tempered line of reasonable thinking is lost, however, when extremists take the cause hostage with their racist narrative. You immediately lose popular support for anything when you gain the KKK's backing.

Likewise getting support from BLM or the New Black Panther Party should diminish your level of support, has that happened?

That's why these Nazi/KKK ass-bags are getting traction, BLM and Antifa have been getting away with bad behavior for months, and the folks in charge do nothing.

The pot is getting ready to boil over and no one cares.

And it's absolutely both sides of the isle. President Obama was a speaker at the memorial for the 5 police officers slain in Dallas.

He took the opportunity not to call for BLM and their ilk to stop celebrating violence on the police, but instead chose to essentially blame the police departments for bringing this on themselves.

Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas

We have all seen this bigotry in our lives at some point,” Mr. Obama told an audience of about 2,500 at a concert hall in Dallas. “None of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this.”

These are only going to escalate and continue to get more violent.
History is complicated and people shouldn't try to erase their past. Robert E Lee was a Southern patriot who fought for his state when she broke from the Union. That does not automatically make him a rascist or a bad person. You can honor the man while recognizing that the confederacy survived on the forced labor of enslaved people.

That tempered line of reasonable thinking is lost, however, when extremists take the cause hostage with their racist narrative. You immediately lose popular support for anything when you gain the KKK's backing.

There is aUniversity that abuts VMI in Lexington, Va. Prior to Robert E Lee serving as it's President, it was called Washington University. Are we to expect the Commonwealth of Virginia to now change the name back to Washington University? It would be a logical step in our time of political overcorrectness to make that change because the sitting Gov is supported in making such changes.

To be honest, I am sick of the PC overreach. That is what is going on in C'ville. Today's political leaders are deciding to erase pre Civil War history. They are overlooking that the war was started over States Rights. You can make a case for Virginia to erase part of it's history, but how much of what we are seeing today is nothing more than a political movement?
Which is how Civil Wars start, and we are well down that path.

I'm going to sit back and watch, then take on the winners. The way I see it, it's just a bunch mentally ill people running around doing retarded shit. Antifa are a bunch of millennial pussies that have no fucking clue what they are asking for. KKK, Nazi, skinheads or whatever they are calling themselves these days, are just as fucking stupid. I say we let them both kill off the masses and than we kill whoever is left.

I mean fuck being all friendly and working out our differences. Sometimes you just gotta do a reset. Kill off a few million, send a clear as fuck message that we are all tired of your fuckery.

Dudes cutting off their dicks, wanting to go piss and shower with girls, black people mad at cops for killing black people, who are breaking the laws. Illegal immigrants bitching about being deported and not getting special treatment. Donald Trump elected as POTUS...Seems like the whole damn world is going nuts. Might be time to thin the herd, maybe a return of the black plague or something.

It's pretty fucked up when my irrational ass feels like the most rational person in the room. And I've been feeling that way a lot as of late.
Robert E. Lee was a brilliant soldier and arguably the best or one of the best military commanders ever turned out by this country. He wasn't evil, he wasn't a Nazi, he inspired love from his men and he alone was the single reason the war lasted as long as it did.

I'd argue that Stonewall Jackson was why the war lasted as long as it did, and his death was key to confederate Army losing. If he had survived his wounds, Gettysburg would have been very different.

I will agree that General Robert E Lee was an impressive commander and much more capable then Grant or Sherman ever were. I also think his history and the history of the civil war, most importantly the good and bad of the CSA should always be taught and learned, as to not repeat it again.

ETA: You moving to the Republic of Texas when all this shit breaks out and we reclaim our independence as sovereign nation?:-":thumbsup::sneaky:
I'd argue that Stonewall Jackson was why the war lasted as long as it did, and his death was key to confederate Army losing. If he had survived his wounds, Gettysburg would have been very different.

I will agree that General Robert E Lee was an impressive commander and much more capable then Grant or Sherman ever were. I also think his history and the history of the civil war, most importantly the good and bad of the CSA should always be taught and learned, as to not repeat it again.

ETA: You moving to the Republic of Texas when all this shit breaks out and we reclaim our independence as sovereign nation?:-":thumbsup::sneaky:

I have to agree that Lee's loss of Gen Thomas J. Jackson was a deeply personal and professional loss. No other General had to ability to take the fight to the enemy the way General Jackson did. Longstreet tried to fill Jackson's shoes, but Longstreet was a better defensive tactician than an offensive man. The turning point was Chanslersville, not Gettysburg.

Back to our OP.
If we could all just slow the fuck down... a civil war? Give me a fucking break. What are the sides? This is your indication, racists assholes on the right(?) and antifas assholes on the left(?), people literally on the absolute fringes of regular discourse and society?

Meanwhile 99.9% of Americans go about their lives.

People are sooooo oppressed in America we need to fight the government and our fellow citizens.


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