Another protest.....

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EDIT: This meme is inaccurate, I regret posting it.



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Likewise getting support from BLM or the New Black Panther Party should diminish your level of support, has that happened?

That's why these Nazi/KKK ass-bags are getting traction, BLM and Antifa have been getting away with bad behavior for months, and the folks in charge do nothing.

I don't think the groups are synonymous. BLM is a movement to protest the deaths of African American men at the hands of the police. I cannot speak for African Americans, as I am ethnically a mix of Hispanic; Caucasian; and Teufelhunden, but it appears that a large percentage of African Americans support BLM's basic premise: to reduce the number of black men killed in police shootings. Many of these supporters are fairly moderate, like our former President and numerous celebrities, and some are extremists who riot in the streets. The KKK, on the other hand, is a long standing organization that strives to promote the superiority of the Caucasian race at the expense of all others. I don't think many KKK members are moderate in their views nor do I think "white America" share their viewpoints. This is a big news story for numerous reasons but at the end of the day a few hundred racists from across the US, and a vehicular murderer, gathered in Virginia to demonstrate their irrelevance to the world on national media. The KKK, and any other hate racial hate group, have no place in modern society and the sooner they march towards extinction the better.
Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
-Martin Luther King Jr.​

I feel a lot was edited out the news for shock and awe. And the loss of life of the young lady either way was tragic and undeniably wrong.

Peaceful protests do not block the road and there is a video of the 2 vehicles in front that are impeded blocked by protesters yelling, " Our streets!" Search JordanUhl. Lemme know if he takes it down. Here.

Before today I had the impression this horrible act occurred off the roadway.

I feel a lot was edited out the news for shock and awe. And the loss of life of the young lady either way was tragic and undeniably wrong.
View attachment 19389

Peaceful protests do not block the road and there is a video of the 2 vehicles in front that are impeded blocked by protesters yelling, " Our streets!" Search JordanUhl. Lemme know if he takes it down. Here.

Before today I had the impression this horrible act occurred off the roadway.

Blocking streets isn't peaceful? Is marching? What is peaceful? Internet posts? Anything that aligns with your viewpoint? Come on man. This shit was disgusting. Don't rationalize it.
Tonight I had- just like the last couple nights- a couple responses for this thread.

I deleted those responses and won't post what I thought tonight, either.

Americans should not die, or be injured, during a protest whether one agrees with their reason for protesting or not.

This act of terrorism is abhorrent. There is no set of circumstances that changes that.

RIP to those killed, and it's a sad day for Charlottesville and America.
Blocking streets isn't peaceful? Is marching? What is peaceful? Internet posts? Anything that aligns with your viewpoint? Come on man. This shit was disgusting. Don't rationalize it.

I might have missed something, you might have read into... As I said, It is still tragic and undeniably wrong this happened. My previous post is pointing out a lot of local "wrongs" happened to get to this point that the news didn't mention.

Blocking the streets is not only unlawful in many places you have to consciously object to your own personal safety +doing so with distracted drivers and large vehicles. IMO should also be grounds for mental health intervention by state. Thinking it's not peaceful if it's out of spite, meant to cost a person their job, family problems, distress by intimidation or battery.

Again, tragic.

Respectfully I remind that my tone is neutral with every post. I don't gain anything by pushing anyones buttons. I'm pretty chill.

I urge, wait for all the facts, "There's always her side, his side of what happened, and What really happened." I'm not buying everything I see on Facebook or most MSM outlets. Internet echo chambers or realife, doesn't matter--people for the past 20yrs have major issues and it is just getting worse as time goes on until respect is restored.
Everything I've been seeing says the guy driving that Challenger was a Nazi supporter. The video of him crashing into people, is pretty clear that it was intentional. He has been charged with 2nd degree murder.

As for the protesters in the streets, I agree 100%, if you are going to step out into the street, block traffic and disturb the flow of traffic, you should do so with the understanding that you are putting your life at risk. That doesn't excuse drivers from making every effort to operate their vehicle safely and with the publics safety in mind.

I saw a post on FB by a friend, who is claiming that these white nationalist (Nazi fucks) is white America and proves American racism. Uhhh, no. It proves that a few hundred ass holes still believe in ignorance and intolerance. The same way I don't feel Antifa fucks represent all millennials or the left as a whole. Just because a few hundred assholes go out and act like assholes, doesn't mean we should be broad stroking everyone into a category.
I don't think the groups are synonymous. BLM is a movement to protest the deaths of African American men at the hands of the police. I cannot speak for African Americans, as I am ethnically a mix of Hispanic; Caucasian; and Teufelhunden, but it appears that a large percentage of African Americans support BLM's basic premise: to reduce the number of black men killed in police shootings. Many of these supporters are fairly moderate, like our former President and numerous celebrities, and some are extremists who riot in the streets. The KKK, on the other hand, is a long standing organization that strives to promote the superiority of the Caucasian race at the expense of all others. I don't think many KKK members are moderate in their views nor do I think "white America" share their viewpoints. This is a big news story for numerous reasons but at the end of the day a few hundred racists from across the US, and a vehicular murderer, gathered in Virginia to demonstrate their irrelevance to the world on national media. The KKK, and any other hate racial hate group, have no place in modern society and the sooner they march towards extinction the better.

Of course they are not synonymous; the KKK started pro-white, violent, and racist and remains that way 150ish years later. Their intent was nothing but to be anti-black (and eventually anti-others) whereas the BLM intent was to highlight and protest deaths of black men & women at the hands of the LE community. Original intent aside, as other organizations have evolved and morphed (i.e., BLM & antifa, etc.), so have their tactics and raison d'etre. So while not synonymous I think it fair to lump them under an umbrella of groups or off-shoots of groups who support violence as a means to achieve their goals. Have your ideology, I don't care; but when you choose to be violent, it's a game-changer.

This whole event saddens me and sickens me. I loathe the KKK and any organization that supports promoting any singular group to the derision or devaluation of another. And as much as I really understand the desire to march to defend removing monuments, I knew in my gut that Saturday had the potential to end up bad.

I was not around in the 60s during the significant portions of the civil rights movement, I do remember vividly the Greensboro (NC) Massacre: Greensboro massacre - Wikipedia. So anytime I hear of a "peaceful protest" or a march planned, unfortunately, what happened Saturday I come to expect.
Hate is hate. I don't care where they started, but where they are now. History matters for some arguments, but not for others? Nah, fuck that. Hate is hate.
American Tourist Punched For Giving Nazi Salute In Germany

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I would have to imagine the average German has little patience with such stupidity. To add, the Chinese too? Really?

<from the article> Earlier this month, two Chinese tourists were arrested and charged after photographing themselves doing Nazi salutes in front of the Reichstag in Berlin. They were later freed after posting a 500 Euro bail.
Both sides are pathetic, all I see is a bunch of uneducated morons larping over idiotic ideologies. I can't even draft an ounce of respect for either side.

"Grab your war shields and lvl 67 death wands, it's time to protest".


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