Another protest.....

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Sad really, that the Tiki Torch company took a stronger stance against these groups than our President....

Tiki torch manufacturer president 'appalled' at protesters

W.C. Bradley Co. President and CEO Marc Olivie told the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer on Monday that the Columbus-based company's staff was "appalled and saddened" that the torches were "used by people who promote bigotry and hatred."
Let's say similar events happened in Paris, and the driver was a Muslim, after the event, it is found the driver had ties to an extremist organization. Do we say it is self defense, do we say that is his legal right, or do we condemn the actions of a cowardly piece of shit immediately?

I know what would happen in one of those cases, and I guess we are finding out what would happen in the other.

I don't think anyone is taking that Nazi lovers side. I sure as fuck am not, but like every thing else, people are analyzing the situation. We have done this many times on many different situations. The key factor being @Ranger Psych finding a video, of the shit bags car being attacked prior to driving into the crowd. That changes things in a legal sense, doesn't mean that racist fuck is innocent, or guilt free.

I don't know his thought process, and it will come down to what his defense can prove vs what the prosecution and prove. Was this premeditated, did drive down that street, in the hope of being attacked so that he could reacts as he did?

At the same point, as you point out, it truly doesn't matter, the shit bird is obviously responsible for the death of one person and the injuries of 19 others. The big question is to what level of severity was his crime.

That said, with his vehicle being struck with a bat prior to his attack on the crowd, it becomes a bit harder to claim it as a terrorist attack.

Again this is all just technicality discussion, nobody is advocating for racist Nazi supporters getting away with driving into crowds. I personally hope they hang the bastard.
I don't think anyone is taking that Nazi lovers side. I sure as fuck am not, but like every thing else, people are analyzing the situation. We have done this many times on many different situations. The key factor being @Ranger Psych finding a video, of the shit bags car being attacked prior to driving into the crowd. That changes things in a legal sense, doesn't mean that racist fuck is innocent, or guilt free.

I don't know his thought process, and it will come down to what his defense can prove vs what the prosecution and prove. Was this premeditated, did drive down that street, in the hope of being attacked so that he could reacts as he did?

At the same point, as you point out, it truly doesn't matter, the shit bird is obviously responsible for the death of one person and the injuries of 19 others. The big question is to what level of severity was his crime.

That said, with his vehicle being struck with a bat prior to his attack on the crowd, it becomes a bit harder to claim it as a terrorist attack.

Again this is all just technicality discussion, nobody is advocating for racist Nazi supporters getting away with driving into crowds. I personally hope they hang the bastard.

I understand that. I'm not calling anyone here a Nazi sympathizer or of being sympathetic to him personally. If that is how it is coming across that is not what is meant.

However, whether his vehicle was struck or not the answer is not Fullthrottle down into another vehicle and a crowd of people.

We have a recent surge in using vehicles as weapons of terror abroad now it has been being done, and now it was done here.

That video that was shown as him being attacked, we don't know the context. Maybe he was saying some inflammatory shit out his window, maybe that bat(if we know that is what was swung) didn't connect. You honestly can't tell when he started accelerating in relation to the swing.

I'm not sure how me condemning this has anything to do with my "white guilt". I also don't see how this has anything to do with BLM.
Fuck them all. As I said on facebook, in short:

BLM, Nazi/KKK/white nationalists, Antifa....all fucking jerk offs.

I cannot see how any person with a brain and education can support these cunts. Antifa, the newest of retards. Claim "anti facism" but yet, attempt to silence any person NOT in support of them. The hundreds of videos of these idiots rioting, not protesting, rioting, using mole cock tails, carrying bats? That is not meant to be a "peaceful" rally in "resistance".

This thing in VA is a giant god damned abortion. I agree with @racing_kitty on this. I also think these cunts should be let free on each other, locked in a stadium, on a hunger game match. I mean, in regards to the white power/nazi jerk offs: did we not go to war over this, and won?

Am I worried about North Korea? I guess. I'm more worried about these fucking jerk offs. I've had my run ins with white power jerk offs. Very close to me, where I was a paramedic for 14 years, there is an enclave of skinheads (Croydon, PA). Fucking assholes with their nazi ink. Had a few as pts. I tell em I'm a Jew. BLM, they are all around, calling for death to whites, cops, not fire and EMS, since we are in a uniform. Fuck all that shit.


So COA 1 for me is to stay away from these types of things in the first place. People generally fucking suck these days, and people on either side look for any excuse to use violence. That being said, the fact that the driver has white supremacist ties is not what's at issue here. If I am in a soft skinned vehicle, and that vehicle has multiple angry people around it who start smashing it with bats, then driving through them is absolutely a proportional response. Any reasonable person would fear for their safety in that situation, and your options are extremely limited. We need more facts to determine the exact sequence of events. Either way, it appeared as though some are attempting to justify the attack on his vehicle by theorizing he was saying inflammatory statements out his window. Let's assume that is right. Does this justify his car being smashed with bats?

Secondly, if this has nothing to do with BLM, it most certainly has nothing to do with terrorist affiliated personnel utilizing vehicles in attacks elsewhere. Why would that even warrant an introduction into the discussion?
I'm going to sit back and watch, then take on the winners. The way I see it, it's just a bunch mentally ill people running around doing retarded shit. Antifa are a bunch of millennial pussies that have no fucking clue what they are asking for. KKK, Nazi, skinheads or whatever they are calling themselves these days, are just as fucking stupid. I say we let them both kill off the masses and than we kill whoever is left.

I mean fuck being all friendly and working out our differences. Sometimes you just gotta do a reset. Kill off a few million, send a clear as fuck message that we are all tired of your fuckery.

Dudes cutting off their dicks, wanting to go piss and shower with girls, black people mad at cops for killing black people, who are breaking the laws. Illegal immigrants bitching about being deported and not getting special treatment. Donald Trump elected as POTUS...Seems like the whole damn world is going nuts. Might be time to thin the herd, maybe a return of the black plague or something.

It's pretty fucked up when my irrational ass feels like the most rational person in the room. And I've been feeling that way a lot as of late.


@Diamondback 2/2, that's a roger!

Trying to find out more is near impossible. The post from "Department of Memes" refers to a journalist named Taylor Lorenz who allegedly tweeted "Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious. They said the driver was scared".
There is no link to that twitter post. Attempting to find the post leads to a different, unrelated Taylor Lorenz. Googling "taylor lorenz twitter Charlottesville police officers" returns a 'sorry, that page does not exist' message from Twitter.
There's really nothing in the post on Department of Memes which should be characterized as proof.
Following the link in my first post on this thread and it would be easy to prove criminal mischief on the crowd. That video was buried because it shows a unedited account in the front of the vehicles prior to the incident.


This is that link, I believe the lady that got ran over is seen (0:10-0:12)in this video as she stepped in front of the minivan to take a picture using celphone not sure tho going on what was said about where she was when it all happened.

Again, If he takes it down let me know. BTW you can DL the Twitter video, hint hint.

Amazed at how many cameras where on scene but no complete video of that on YouTube, or being shared.
So on this link, I'm not a twitter guy, it shows a longer version of the video @Ranger Psych posted. In it you can see how fast he was going before anything was swung at him. He was hauling ass, which may be why something(probably not a bat) was swung at him.


Also, the street behind and in front of him was clear, makes it difficult to say he was in fear of his life... notice how he could easily back up a clear street?
Let's say similar events happened in Paris, and the driver was a Muslim, after the event, it is found the driver had ties to an extremist organization. Do we say it is self defense, do we say that is his legal right, or do we condemn the actions of a cowardly piece of shit immediately?

I know what would happen in one of those cases, and I guess we are finding out what would happen in the other.

I understand where you're coming from, but the social climate and laws in Paris are radically different.
I understand where you're coming from, but the social climate and laws in Paris are radically different.

For sure.

My point was there is dramatic video of an event, where someone with an extremist background can be seen rapidly accelerating from a distance into a crowd of people. It seems to me that some are looking for any excuse other than that this was a terror attack, I just don't know why. Like @Diamondback 2/2 pointed out, I guess we are just hypothesizing, but the video evidence that he did this with little to no provocation is there...
Regardless of what those tweets say, the police are investigating a "premeditated" attack. I think they know what they are doing.

What those tweets indicate is that the journalist posted off the cuff comments made on scene by cops who probably did not witness the actual incident, only the driver's reaction after the fact.
What they indicate is that once she realized her post was inflated into a conclusion intended to support what appears to be a fictional account of the incident, she took it down.
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