Another protest.....

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Inflammatory speech doesn't give someone the right to attack another person. Threatening comments could open the door for a self-defense claim, but hate speech is protected. I think it is disgusting, but hate speech is legally protected.

He could drive through the crowd dropping dozens of n-bombs and become the "victim" when attacked. I see little difference here than with that assclown George Zimmerman. Here's a turd who IMO provoked the situation and then killed a man, all within the legal confines of FL law. For better or worse, being a shithead in America is legally protected. Until someone can prove that guy's intent, he is innocent. Both sides like to bring up that last bit until it doesn't suit their belief system or narrative, but we're in America and that's how it works.

I'm not lecturing you, just pointing out a few things that are generally lost in this whole abortion of a story. Once again we've split along political lines and little things like the law and truth are irrelevant. Disgusting.

Great. It doesn't matter now. The gif @Ranger Psych posted has been supplanted by the video in context. The video of the driver accelerating at least a whole block before crashing into a crowd of people...

My OP was hypothetical. The reality is that some dude probably accelerated a very powerful(though underlyingly shitty car) into a crowd of people with no provocation and with prior planning.
I so agree with this. Without an internet, the average person would go on with their day thinking about the things they think about.
They would come home from work, watch those 'crazy protesters' in Virginia on the 6 o'clock news, and then read a story about it in the paper the next day.
On Friday, New Week or Time would come out and they'd get a deep dive into what is going on while they waited for their haircuts.

Without an internet, the average person would not feel so tied to what is happening every moment of every day. My mom recently retired and now she 'surfs' all day long, she is a nervous wreck and never used to be.

There are times I miss depending on Tom Brokaw for my news, and the days when 20/20 and 60 minutes being must see TV.

I knew someone years ago who'd play the I Ching compulsively, throwing dice until he got "close" enough to an answer he wanted. Fucking non-stop and about any little bullshit thing. That's what most of the net is, reading the tea leaves until you can't see the pot anymore.
Speaking of kitten videos on the internet....


Okay, back to anger, frustration, and all that stuff....
Damn you. Now I can't stop watching that.
I don't know how many of you can feel the low rumble that precedes a volcanic eruption, but some of us can when we read this thread. Some of y'all should avoid a sacrifice and dial it back a bit. Stukas are expensive to operate, but within this FY's budget.
Oh come the fuck on. I called it a meme. It is a joke. Despite my liberal tendencies even I can take a joke.

I do like that you have shifted from whatever it was you were arguing in regards to the actual topic, to only whatever I am posting. I can handle some personal attacks on my "white guilt".

What I would love is for you to continue your earlier position in light of the video I posted earlier. Tell me this was somehow self defense. Explain to the membership how a man accelerating down an unblocked unchallenged street is somehow within his rights and his only COA.

Accelerating a whole block? Maybe you need to watch your own video again, as the challenger comes to a COMPLETE stop in front of the bollards. Approaching in an investigative, fact finding manner is better than blatantly inserting the narrative you would prefer to have describe the event.

He was travelling at the most common legal speed limit in urban areas (25mph) at which point he stopped approx 40ft from the closest protester directly in front of him, with the individual who swung at his taillight approx 10ft to his 10 o'clock, and otherwise surrounded by protestors (That all of the event attendees had been attacked by previously) from his 8-4, being generous. The vehicle actually squats forward twice then settles rearward in a manner consistent with tapping of brakes, with brake lights when viewed in higher resolution.

The only constant forward acceleration occurs when the first individual completely visible begins his swing at the vehicle.

The vehicle also had already taken damage from impacts, most likely what he originally hit 25 in a relatively clear area to avoid. Rear bumper and brake light surround has damage which is not indicative of impact through normal vehicular operation:


According to the Commonwealth it was an illegal gathering.

According to Federal court, it was a permitted gathering. I didn't know State's rights trumped federal. Thought we figured that one out in the era of the individual who's likeness is captured in the park's statue?

Other perspectives, ones it seems that people want to avoid through cognitive dissonance:

Here’s How Virginia State Police Facilitated Violence At Charlottesville
The Mayor of Charlottesville Caused 3 Deaths — Not Richard Spencer
Why Were The Police Held Back In Charlottesville?
The tragic irony of it, in my opinion, is "antifa" is an abbreviation for anti-facism yet every public gathering, protest, demonstration where "antifa" is bussed in violence & property destruction is the mission not an unintended result. "Antifa" uses the same tactics history shows were used by past facist regimes. I mean the nationalist fascist party (Moussolini) , maoists , in this century taliban , daesh / isil.... "antifa" is a freakin' blinking neon sign of contradiction!!

Looks like a turd, smells like a turd, its a fucking Turd!! Sorry I'm not eating that shit sandwich!

The question has been posed in referance to the guy who drove his car into the people on the street "Was it premeditated?" That is an unknown until the investigation is completed. If it was he deserves to be hit with civil rights violations & a terroism charge. What is known, violence was / is premeditated and frankly a forgone conclusion when "antifa" is involved, I call that terrorism!

I'm probably outta line here but the whole "movement" in my opnion has parallels to history I learned about....

Tearing down statues / monuments ok, but where does it stop? The national media has this all twisted up like it is a widespread "movement", when truth be told it is two fringe radical groups, politically irrelavant (who do not represent the majority of USA citizens) squaring off against each other.

We can't let this insanity create a divide between the rest of the nation, level heads must prevail. Can't find the exact quote made by SECDEF but the take away is the National discourse is dangerous & lacks "friendliness"...

Everyone has heard it & knows it, "You wipe out the past you are doomed to repeat it."

For clarity I do not condone nor support nazis, facists, white supremacist, communism / socialism.
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Meanwhile, with regard to this protest in Durham, NC, the police have done their job. They arrested one.*

*In fairness, there may be more arrests. The LE community is being excoriated on their non-response.

Meanwhile, with regard to this protest in Durham, NC, the police have done their job. They arrested one.*

I am pleased to read this.

It really bothered my to see statues in the United States of America being toppled like those of Saddam Husain.

Erasing history does not change it, and not every statue in the South is a positive acknowledgment of slavery.
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Not in any local newspaper, based off a Facebook post? Only source is Infowars, 4Chan and Big League Politics? Let's see if there is a snopes on this one in the next few days.

I would like to see two-source verification, too, but Snopes is as bad as most others these days....
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Not in any local newspaper, based off a Facebook post? Only source is Infowars, 4Chan and Big League Politics? Let's see if there is a snopes on this one in the next few days.

The alleged victim appears in a USA Today article. There's nothing in any local rags or national garbage saying he was attacked.
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