Another protest.....

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I don't know how many of you can feel the low rumble that precedes a volcanic eruption, but some of us can when we read this thread. Some of y'all should avoid a sacrifice and dial it back a bit. Stukas are expensive to operate, but within this FY's budget.

I would have given cross-thread points if not for the poor sourcing of aircraft, given the subject matter of said thread.

Anyway. Wheels up yet?
I would have given cross-thread points if not for the poor sourcing of aircraft, given the subject matter of said thread.

Anyway. Wheels up yet?

Long story behind those a/c. I don't know if you were around when the Stuka became the popular CAS platform of choice for me.
So the government in Balitmore overnight removed confederate monuments unceremoniously, SJWs started a petition to remove a monument that stood over the graves of confederate soldiers in Hollywood, the Daughters of the Confederacy chose to remove it. And now the shitheads at Task and Purpose have joined the war on the Confederacy. No more nuance allowed in the study of American History I suppose.
San Antonio had a right wing protest last weekend.

Cops arrested one person and kept the two groups apart.

No drama.

I don't like our Chief of Police, but he did a good job keeping the peace.

VSP and Charlottesville PD could take crowd control lessons from us.
I have a different theory, I think we all should punch people in the face for saying and doing stupid shit. There needs to be a consequence for stupid, assholes running around acting like Nazis, should get punched in the face. Those BLM fucks who called for cops to be killed and stomped on the American flag should have been punched in the face. Those Antifa fucks, need their fucking heads kicked in for the shit they have been doing.

People generally don't know they are being an asshole, until someone calls them out for being an asshole. That generally comes in some form of a consequences, loss of friends, getting your ass kicked, locked up, etc.

I'm all for people being able to demonstrate, protest, spew out their stupid message that nobody really cares about. But when people decide to fuck them up for that stupid shit, I feel no pity.

That said, these dumbasses do not represent the American people, they are just pockets of mentally ill people doing retarded shit. If the BLM fucks wouldn't have doing their retarded shit for the past few years, you would have this counter of disgruntled retarded white people. If Trump would have toned it down during the election, you wouldn't have these retarded Antifa fucks running around doing their stupid shit.

What we haven't seen yet, is the everyday working American come out and say enough is enough. When that happens, I think clubs and bats, and cars driving into crowds, will look like child's play. People are getting fed up with this bullshit, I know I am, and this is most definitely not how I want my kids inheriting this country.
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So I drove through Dade City, FL today on my way back from the dump...a quaint, quiet little town...and there was an Anti-Nazi rally going on in front of the courthouse. About 25 middle-aged and elderly people holding signs that said stuff like:

STOP THE HATE Etc. etc...

Only there were no Nazis. Nobody. It was a rally against non-existent Nazis. :D
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I have a different theory, I think we all shoulf punch people in the face for saying and doing stupid shit. There needs to be a consequence for stupid, assholes running around acting like Nazis, should get punched in the face. Those BLM fucks who called for cops to be killed and stomped on the American flag should have been punched in the face. Those Antifa fucks, need their fucking heads kicked in for the shit they have been doing.

People generally don't know they are being an asshole, until someone calls them out for being an asshole. That generally comes in some form of a consequences, loss of friends, getting your ass kicked, locked up, etc.

I'm all for people being able to demonstrate, protest, spew out their stupid message that nobody really cares about. But when people decide to fuck them up for that stupid shit, I feel no pity.

That said, these dumbasses do not represent the American people, they are just pockets of mentally ill people doing retarded shit. If the BLM fucks wouldn't have doing their retarded shit for the past few years, you would have this counter of disgruntled retarded white people. If Trump would have toned it down during the election, you wouldn't have these retarded Antifa fucks tuning around doing their stupid shit.

What we haven't seen yet, is the everyday working American come out and say enough is enough. When that happens, I think clubs and bats, and cars driving into crowdsome, will look like child's play. People are getting fed up with this bullshit, I know I am, and this is most definitely not how I want my kids to inheriting this country.

I LOL'd at this because my wife told me that she and her co-workers have a jar at work and whenever a manager does or says something stupid everybody has to put money in the jar. And there's a lot of money in it. :ROFLMAO:
So I drove through Dade City, FL today on my way back from the dump...a quaint, quiet little town...and there was an Anti-Nazi rally going on in front of the courthouse. About 25 middle-aged and elderly people holding signs that said stuff like:

STOP THE HATE Etc. etc...

Only there were no Nazis. Nobody. It was a rally against non-existent Nazis. :D

BTW, have you noticed recently that the word NAZI and the word CONFEDERATE have become synonymous in certain Leftist circles?

Yes I have, and that is unfortunate with regards to that history.

I will say I have always been against the display of the confederate battle flag, by any government. So much so, that ripped a young Specialist from one end on down the other for having one flying in the back of his truck on post. That's is a defeated battle flag, and outside of ceremonial remembrance, has no business being displayed on anything that is government, IMHO.

I also understand that that flag has become a symbol of oppression for black Americans. And because I understand that, I think it's disrespectful to display it. However, I also understand people have the right to do so, and if they choose to, so be it. Still think it's disrespectful and IMO makes them an asshole.

These monuments? Yeah I think they should be restricted to museum's and burial grounds. Every damn town doesn't need a Robert E. Lee high school, or monuments of defeated confederate generals in their down town squares.

I am by no means saying we should erase our history, but if it's a reminder of oppression for our fellow black Americans, than I see no reason why we shouldn't move them to places of historic nature and remove them from the day to day bullshit.

Fuck it is 2017, that war was 150 years ago, it seems a bit silly to me that this is even an issue.
Yes I have, and that is unfortunate with regards to that history.

I will say I have always been against the display of the confederate battle flag, by any government. So much so, that ripped a young Specialist from one end on down the other for having one flying in the back of his truck on post. That's is a defeated battle flag, and outside of ceremonial remembrance, has no business being displayed on anything that is government, IMHO.

I also understand that that flag has become a symbol of oppression for black Americans. And because I understand that, I think it's disrespectful to display it. However, I also understand people have the right to do so, and if they choose to, so be it. Still think it's disrespectful and IMO makes them an asshole.

These monuments? Yeah I think they should be restricted to museum's and burial grounds. Every damn town doesn't need a Robert E. Lee high school, or monuments of defeated confederate generals in their down town squares.

I am by no means saying we should erase our history, but if it's a reminder of oppression for our fellow black Americans, than I see no reason why we shouldn't move them to places of historic nature and remove them from the day to day bullshit.

Fuck it is 2017, that war was 150 years ago, it seems a bit silly to me that this is even an issue.

OK, point taken. But where does it end? Jefferson had slaves; do they sell Monticello for reparations? You see where I am going here.

At some point on the slide someone has to say "enough is enough."*

Edited to add, I don't know where that 'line' is....
OK, point taken. But where does it end? Jefferson had slaves; do they sell Monticello for reparations? You see where I am going here.

At some point on the slide someone has to say "enough is enough."
Here's what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

I get your point, however, as it applies to the confederate states of America, a rebellion and insurrection that was defeated by our current form of government vs a founding fathers of our nation, it's a bit of an odd comparison to relate. Where does it stop, where we meet in the middle of respect and dignity for our fellow Americans.

Look I'm a southern boy, with southern roots. I've lived in Texas my whole life, and I've seen every aspect of racial ignorance and intolerance. I am well studied on the civil war, and understanding the significance of preserving that history. The confederacy was defeated, they don't get a say in how that history is written, especially as relates to monuments.
But where does it end? [...] At some point on the slide someone has to say "enough is enough."*

Edited to add, I don't know where that 'line' is....

If there was a line, if the buck stopped anywhere, no one would get elected or manage to remain in office.

All we have is volleyball. Don't let it land at your feet.
Here's what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

I get your point, however, as it applies to the confederate states of America, a rebellion and insurrection that was defeated by our current form of government vs a founding fathers of our nation, it's a bit of an odd comparison to relate. Where does it stop, where we meet in the middle of respect and dignity for our fellow Americans.

Look I'm a southern boy, with southern roots. I've lived in Texas my whole life, and I've seen every aspect of racial ignorance and intolerance. I am well studied on the civil war, and understanding the significance of preserving that history. The confederacy was defeated, they don't get a say in how that history is written, especially as relates to monuments.

Yes, I hear you. I am born and bred in North Carolina. It is a contentious issue to be sure, and I appreciate civil discourse on it, and with regards to The Monuments I can see both sides. I do think it is a slippery slope, and like I said, I don't know where the best compromise lies.
Confederate Soldiers are considered US Veterans by public law. So can we educate the populace correctly. Cause sucked, but not all of the men were evil. Like fuck.
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