Another protest.....

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So you are okay with white supremacists exercising their right to an opinion, but not two members on this site?

Do you see the contradiction here?
Exactly what RackMaster said. Any of us who disrespect a mod, in any thread, is just asking for some down time. This wasn't just an opinion.

ETA: This is just one site member to another. I even "liked" that meme. But talking like that to a respected senior member upsets more than just the staff.
I'd like to think this site encourages freedom of speech. This isn't the military and definitely not Facebook. We have a variety of different views, unlike other sites that exercise pure group think. While some might take offense to the image, I'd have to agree it's just a meme, and I don't think the original poster's goal was to incite the masses to go on a neo-nazi killing spree. Everyone needs to just lighten up and remember this is just a discussion community. Start discussing your opposing views without getting bent out of shape.

Also, unlike the military, if you think a staff member is in the wrong you can send a report that will go directly to me and no one else. I've fired mods/admins in the past, and I've also banned a number of members. At the end of the day I obviously want everyone to stick around and contribute, but in situations like these I have no choice but to step in and be objective. The ShadowSpear staff turnover, mods and admins alike, is pretty high; not just because of the expectations, but also because of interactions like these. I'm in the process of revising the forum rules for the upcoming forum overhaul to not only make them simpler, but also free of doubt about what is prohibited on the site and what is not. Moderators have the job to moderate the site, so obviously I need to make sure that guidance is clear and up to date, so I apologize for the friction. Also, keep in mind that being a proactive mod on this site isn't the easiest or most thankful position, which is why I am now going to entice you all to throw your name in the hat for the upcoming mod election.

I consider this matter closed and putting this thread back on track.
Tomorrow will be interesting. We'll soon see how many people go fucking blind because they can't heed warnings.


Tomorrow will be interesting. We'll soon see how many people go fucking blind because they can't heed warnings.

Yep...tell some people what they "can't" do and they will do it just to show you then can. They shall surely reap what they sow if that's the case.
From the Houston Chronicle:

A Houston man has been charged with trying to plant explosives at the statue of Confederate officer Richard Dowling in Hermann Park, federal officials said Monday.

Andrew Schneck, 25, who was released from probation early last year after being convicted in 2015 of storing explosives, was charged in a criminal complaint filed in federal court, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez said in a statement Monday.

Nitroglycerin and HMTD was what they found both in the device and in his home, where he also had precursors. Everyone knows nitro, and HMTD is on par with TATP in the "shit RK would sooner blow in place" department (yes, it's peroxide based).

I wonder who's shitting his/her pants in the federal justice system over this guy?
Are these monuments owned by the gov't or private entities? Tearing them down is a crime, but our governments are willing to let mobs run wild because that's what the people want? That's anarchy.

No matter my opinion on removing the monuments, that isn't how our country is supposed to work. If the gov't follows its legal due process and they come down, I'm onboard. Letting mobs do whatever they want? Our country is genuinely on the down slope when you can destroy any gov't property without penalty and become a hero for that action.

Tomorrow will be interesting. We'll soon see how many people go fucking blind because they can't heed warnings.

Great. Now I'm blind, Thanks, Frank.
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