Another protest.....

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Several statues were removed in New Orleans, by decree of the mayor with city council approval, there was no special vote. People protested the removal and there were counter-protesting groups. Thing is after decades of experience in crowd control (Mardi Gras) the NOPD kept things under control. When someone got outta hand it was handled. During those protests somehow only minor issues occured. Hell, there were people open carrying pistols & rifles, despite a parish prohibition ordenace. It got stupid with death threats, other threats of bodily harm and property damage on social media.

In the end the statutes, monuments were removed and removal was funded by a private source who turns out had been lobbying the city council for years to have them removed. I have seen or heard several people mention that the monuments are acceptable if placed in cemetaries. Well that is apparently not the case in New Orleans. A statue of Stonewall Jackson was removed from a cemetary located in Mid-City.

I understand both sides of the argument, excluding the white suprematist reasoning, but what I want to know is where does it stop?
Currently there is a group lobbying to remove the statue of Andrew Jackson and have Jackson Square renamed. This past week there were people trying to stage a protest with intent to copy what took place in Durham, NC, and tear down the statue. Next thing they'll claim is the Bill of Rights & Constitution are worthless, and our Republic is not worth fighting for on the same premiss.

All the irrational yelling and the dip-shits on both sides running around with sticks & shields in the streets. That is grade school shit!

The incivility of it all just pisses me off!!
All the irrational yelling and the dip-shits on both sides running around with sticks & shields in the streets. That is grade school shit!

Frankly I think the First Amendment is overrated. Not unnecessary, not unimportant, but overrated by a Canadian SF long shot.
Misanthropy on the other hand is underrated, although active misanthropy will land you in jail.

My reasons for hating ESPN and their preachy asses are many. Bruce Jenner getting the Courage Award over Lauren Hill, a 19-year-old college basketball player stricken with cancer who died after achieving her dream of scoring in a game, or Noah Galloway, who competes in adventure races and other events despite losing an arm and a leg during the Iraq War, top the list.

Some corporations just cannot get out of their own way, and ESPN in their over-the-top and unnecessary attempt of "sensitivity" can thank themselves for bring this most recent Streisand Effect attention to themselves. If I'm Robert Lee, an ASIAN dude, I have to wonder if someone is messing with me when I'm told I've been switched games.

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Well, I for one applaud ESPN for being proactive for removing who we all know to be a Confederate-general-wrapped-in-an-Asian-racist-sportscaster, whose singular goal was to further divide the people. :rolleyes:

Oh, for fuck's sake....

Just when I think this whole douchery can't get any more stupid...
Several statues were removed in New Orleans, by decree of the mayor with city council approval, there was no special vote. People protested the removal and there were counter-protesting groups. Thing is after decades of experience in crowd control (Mardi Gras) the NOPD kept things under control. When someone got outta hand it was handled. During those protests somehow only minor issues occured. Hell, there were people open carrying pistols & rifles, despite a parish prohibition ordenace. It got stupid with death threats, other threats of bodily harm and property damage on social media.

In the end the statutes, monuments were removed and removal was funded by a private source who turns out had been lobbying the city council for years to have them removed. I have seen or heard several people mention that the monuments are acceptable if placed in cemetaries. Well that is apparently not the case in New Orleans. A statue of Stonewall Jackson was removed from a cemetary located in Mid-City.

I understand both sides of the argument, excluding the white suprematist reasoning, but what I want to know is where does it stop?
Currently there is a group lobbying to remove the statue of Andrew Jackson and have Jackson Square renamed. This past week there were people trying to stage a protest with intent to copy what took place in Durham, NC, and tear down the statue. Next thing they'll claim is the Bill of Rights & Constitution are worthless, and our Republic is not worth fighting for on the same premiss.

All the irrational yelling and the dip-shits on both sides running around with sticks & shields in the streets. That is grade school shit!

The incivility of it all just pisses me off!!
The city of Minneapolis' Park Board recently moved to co-name (on the way to complete rename) a popular city lake, Lake Calhoun, because of pressure by activists who were offended that Calhoun owned slaves. The rename you ask? A Dakota name... Lake Bde Maka Ska.

In 1817, Calhoun sent the Army to survey the area and build a fort. During this survey, they named the lake in his honor. It remained that name until early this year.

Activists are not happy with the dual-naming and have taken it upon themselves to further "modify" the park signs (vandals have completely sprayed "East Lake Calhoun" with brown spray paint on replacement signs)...

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