Another protest.....

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And, just like that, all the world's problems were solved.
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At least, this happened in daylight...
I remember watching on my tee-vee, I spewed Coors lite and flaming Doritos in excitement...

A few weeks ago nobody gave enough of a damn to have this discussion.

In a few weeks no one will give enough of a damn to have this discussion.

Right or wrong, this whole thing is absurd because it matters so much that we kick it to the back burner (the same as any other topic) after a few weeks? GTFO, people have collective ADD on social issues. This will bun out, you'll find something else to hate or support or whatever, and then we'll have another fucked up thread that loses its relevancy after a brief period in the spotlight.

Speaking as a member of the staff (the above is AWP the person talking) some of you are being looked at. Not for your views, but your presentation and interaction. Your views? Whatever, we don't care. Some actions in this thread? They've gone beyond "passionate" and they haven't gone unnoticed.
Wow. Nine pages. Just goes to show how strongly we feel about that particular small shard of the mirror we hold individually.

I'm gonna assume we are actually railed on "guilt" viewed in the mirror. But just it's good to clear the air too and express feelings. Everyone has equity in their feelings.

I can bore you guys/gals with type, or meat and potatoes. Long story short, guilt is the WORST motivator. Just as the Psych Today points out,feelings of agony, grief , loniliness manifest in an individual because they might or have done an unacceptable act in the past or currently. Based on the individuals morals. An inflammatory response would be justified if someone was pawning feelings of guilt on somebody that are unjustified, it's just our wiring.

The thing is I consider myself regardless of my skin color, distant family ties to civil war (Union and Confederate) blameless, as I was not directly involved. I won't let another man or woman bother me with such foolishness, and entertaining them just adds fuel to the fire. I get it, it's hard to overlook this or another's hatred, but psychologically your bearing guilt that you didn't do enough -or- something you didn't do, when you shouldn't agonize over because it will not lead to satisfactory results. And from what I understand guilt is cumulative, I'm not a psychologist just play one on the internet.

If you don’t like the psychodynamic approach to guilt, perhaps you’ll find the cognitive explanation a bit more palatable. From a cognitive point of view, guilt is an emotion that people experience because they’re convinced they’ve caused harm. In cognitive theory, the thoughts cause the emotions. The guilt of emotion follows directly from the thought that you are responsible for someone else’s misfortune, whether or not this is the case. People who experience guilt on a chronic basis, according to the cognitive perspective, mistakenly suffer under the illusion that they have caused other people harm. Their negative emotion follows from their tendency to misinterpret what happens to them and not to question the logic of their conclusions. In cognitive therapy, treatment often involves teaching people to rid themselves of their “automatic thoughts” that they’ve caused others to suffer. People constantly plagued by guilt are also taught to recognize their “dysfunctional attitudes” so that they recognize when they’re going through such mental processes as catastrophizing (making the very worst of a bad situation) or overgeneralizing (believing that if one bad thing happened, many more must have as well).

In contrast to the psychodynamic view of guilt, the cognitive perspective gives the average person some clues for fixing the tendency to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. According to the cognitive view, if you change your thoughts, you can change your emotions. Once you realize that you’re inaccurately seeing yourself as causing others to suffer, you can readjust your mental set and more realistically figure out your role in whatever grief came their way.

-Borrowed from Psychology Today
You can decide or not whether you want to continue to make the sacrifices needed to help these individuals. However, it’s important to separate your desire to help from the guilt you fear will overwhelm you if you don’t. Acting out of guilt can only drain you further and ultimately make you a less effective helper.

-Borrowed from PT
The Definitive Guide to Guilt

If your being told you should feel guilty for something you didn't do it can be classified as mental abuse, especially in a domestic setting. No person of sound mind will ever try to convince you to feel unjust guilt.

Only thing that's teach-able that hasnt been touched IIRC is if you have personnel that is wanting to attend these "gatherings" from now on understand these can get out of hand rather quickly.
Confederate Soldiers are considered US Veterans by public law. So can we educate the populace correctly. Cause sucked, but not all of the men were evil. Like fuck.

My great-grandfather fought for NC. He was 16, I think, left the farm, fought for a couple years, went back. He didn't fight for a cause; hell, in eastern NC at the time there were very few people who had slaves, and my great-grandfather and his family didn't even know anyone who had them (passed down via oral family history over the generations).
A few weeks ago nobody gave enough of a damn to have this discussion.

In a few weeks no one will give enough of a damn to have this discussion.

Right or wrong, this whole thing is absurd because it matters so much that we kick it to the back burner (the same as any other topic) after a few weeks? GTFO, people have collective ADD on social issues. This will bun out, you'll find something else to hate or support or whatever, and then we'll have another fucked up thread that loses its relevancy after a brief period in the spotlight.

Speaking as a member of the staff (the above is AWP the person talking) some of you are being looked at. Not for your views, but your presentation and interaction. Your views? Whatever, we don't care. Some actions in this thread? They've gone beyond "passionate" and they haven't gone unnoticed.

I don't think it's the "people" as much as it is the media. The MSM have gone from reporting stories to telling us what/how to think. They drive the narrative. So when they drop it they are telling us it's no longer important.

I agree that it is absurd that for how many years no one--NO ONE--has mentioned one skinny word about this, until this weekend. And now it's the cause for societal breakdown and civil strife? Give me a fucking break.
There is a rally today, here in Durham. There was 'breaking news' on TV that the county and city government was shutting down offices for the day, advised people to take off early. The news said the Nazi/KKK folks were supposed to be there but so far it's just a bunch of commies and peaceniks. It does appear some BLM/Antifa people are lurking, but no trouble so far.
When government offices feel they have to shut down out of fear, that shows me that they are being "terrorized" and I find it repulsive to have to admit that.
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When government offices feel they have to shut down out of fear, that shows me that they are being "terrorized" and I find it repulsive to have to admit that.

It's weird here. It's as if people don't know how to act or how to talk to anyone who looks different at risk of being called fill-in-the-blank. One headline says "Protests in Durham turn into epic dance party." But if you say "boo," it looks like they could rumble.

The city and county has taken so much flack over how they have handled some of this I am not surprised they closed shop and split.
It's weird here. It's as if people don't know how to act or how to talk to anyone who looks different at risk of being called fill-in-the-blank. One headline says "Protests in Durham turn into epic dance party." But if you say "boo," it looks like they could rumble.

The city and county has taken so much flack over how they have handled some of this I am not surprised they closed shop and split.

Unfortunately, that's a picture perfect example of "fear" at work. And, as we all know here, that's one of the end results of "terrrorism". I'm so glad that I'm not scared of everyone and everything. Life is good!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Charles Barkley on monuments and statues...

There is text of an interview with him talking about how The President (any President) should not be tweeting....I'm trying to find that video as well.

Interesting statement by the ACLU, and I did not read anywhere that McAuliffe had blame the ACLU either All I had read was him calling for all Confederate monuments to be removed which is in direct contravention to VA State Law.

Please think a little more deeply before you post things like this in the future. On the surface, this is a funny meme. But think about what it really means. It's green-lighting American citizens for death simply for exercising their rights. That's not what we're about as a country, that's not what we're about as a site. Just a thought for the future.

It is a fucking meme. Lighten up.

Negative. This is a tacit, if unintentional, endorsement of politically-directed violence. There is no place for that on our site.

There is also no place on this site for people who inject themselves into matters the site staff is handling with other members. Nor is there a place for people who wantonly disrespect site staff or other site members, as you have done in this thread and others recently. You don't tell me, or any other staff member to "lighten up" when we're exercising our duties here.

Your "passion" for your politics does not give you a free pass to act in whatever manner you see fit. Consider yourself formally warned. The next time you pull something like this, in this thread or any other, you're going to have a problem.

And if you think this site is "getting lamer and lamer everyday," like you said in that post you deleted, you're welcome to take it on down the road.

Do not respond to this message. Do not PM me about it. I don't need your excuses or your counter-accusations or your rebuttals. I simply expect your compliance.
I drove downtown today. The city is being proactive with regard to the Confederate Veteran's Memorial. They've also parked a police car outside the barricades. But all is quiet and nobody seems inclined to stand around in 98-degree heat and protest or defend anything. Life goes on.

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