Another protest.....

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Okay, I'm making an effort to not come across as a dick, but I still don't understand the context of your first post. Now I am even more confused because your response to my "huh?" was to post a Facebook link to a anti-Trump rally?

Are you inviting us to attend the rally?

Why are the commenters "stupid?"

I gave him the benefit of doubt and checked out the page. And that page is absolutely full of not just stupid people but fucking morons. They outright claim Trump is the leader of the white supremacists. There's one woman that brought her 6 year old because the 6 year old wanted to "fight for her rights". They were tear gassed and thankfully someone gave the child a gas mask. But then the moron decided to take a picture and post it for the Interwebz to see.
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Im pretty sure that's not what he wrote.
He said that our lawmakers need to be checked for "low IQ". Said lawmakers want to rename bases that bear the names of confederate generals. The implication is that people who want to rename those bases are low IQ people.
I was curious and decided to follow-up on an earlier post about our collective attention span.

CNN: Nothing about this story on its main page.
MSNBC: One opinion piece
Fox: Several articles/ opinion pieces buried down the small print area of its home page.

If it wasn't for Facebook this wouldn't be on your radar. The fire's dying out and your pot's going to stop boiling soon. Until the next time when we'll repeat the process.
Generally speaking, I agree. That said, I find it interesting to note who posts and who no longer does, and then cross reference that with the members' background and current (known) occupation/field.
And I don't think things are gonna stop boiling soon. The bill for the Wall coming down may be finally due after 28 years.
He said that our lawmakers need to be checked for "low IQ". Said lawmakers want to rename bases that bear the names of confederate generals. The implication is that people who want to rename those bases are low IQ people.

Or how about the law makers have low IQ for not understanding why they were named for Confederate generals in the first place? I mean, he did mention that directly after the IQ statement.
Before I forget, when are we tearing down Charles Lindbergh's and Henry Ford's statues?
And while we're tearing shit down, let's not forget all the Capitoline Wolf statutes sent by the Mussolini that are on display in multiple cities.

Actually, we should just do away with all reminders to history. They're all flawed figures and any "accomplishments" certainly should not be celebrated or remembered. I mean, really, the idea of viewing accomplishments through the lens of the time period during which they took place is silly.
I was curious and decided to follow-up on an earlier post about our collective attention span.

CNN: Nothing about this story on its main page.
MSNBC: One opinion piece
Fox: Several articles/ opinion pieces buried down the small print area of its home page.

If it wasn't for Facebook this wouldn't be on your radar. The fire's dying out and your pot's going to stop boiling soon. Until the next time when we'll repeat the process.
Couldn't agree more with this thought.

As a collective, our society's outrage is superficial at best. Maybe we still have some deep rooted beliefs but it doesn't seem so. Our memories are too short. We're too disconnected. Do people even remember that every day we're involved in a shooting war in multiple countries? You won't even find a note of it on the aforementioned CNN and MSNBC webpages without some very serious digging. That's a huge problem.
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