Another protest.....

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EDIT: This meme is inaccurate, I regret posting it.


Mountain Climbers, ready, begin.
Yeah the fact that he was standing with the NEo-Nazis earlier in the day is also a huge factor. Would you drive erratically on the way to an attack?

It's a "plausible" defence, either way. The POS needs to rot for what he did but this video can and most likely will be used as a defence.
He's got a history of violence. While his car may have been hit with a baseball bat first, we don't know what his intent was. He very well may have been driving down that road to run them over and he was only first attacked out of pure luck.
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I'm sure more will come out, but he would have to prove his car was attacked prior to running into that crowd. And if that was the case, I can definitely see some defense to the 2nd degree murder charge, possibly an involuntary manslaughter charge would be more suited, etc.

He is still a racist asshole, however, and I doubt any jury let's him walk.

You sure about when those pictures were taken? Before vs after he hit the people?

Seeing the carnage all around makes me think it was after.

Also I don't think anyone ever said the AntiFas people were there to peacefully protest. They were there to forcefully and violently confront white supremacists...
I'm sure more will come out, but he would have to prove his car was attacked prior to running into that crowd. And if that was the case, I can definitely see some defense to the 2nd degree murder charge, possibly an involuntary manslaughter charge would be more suited, etc.

He is still a racist asshole, however, and I doubt any jury let's him walk.

Umm, there's video proof that his vehicle was attacked before hammer down occured.
Umm, there's video proof that his vehicle was attacked before hammer down occured.

So this was self defense? Could you clarify your position here for me?

I'm not meaning to be smug or an asshole, I want to know what you are saying.
If you are down there to protest on either side you are probably an asshole, a drama queen wanting attention, or to "be part of the action."

Most protesters nowadays can go eat a bag of dicks. Most of these shitbags do it just so they have something to post on social media to give their worthless lives some degree of relevance or interest. That includes the BLM folks who block highways, and the over-the-top righties dressed in their airsoft gear.

I bet this is exactly what this officer wants to be doing today.

View attachment 19382

So this photo was taken back in July. In C'ville still, but at a different fuck stick get together.
Also I don't think anyone ever said the AntiFas people were there to peacefully protest. They were there to forcefully and violently confront white supremacists...

Antifa is there to confront everyone....if there is a counter protest to...anything, there they are. We are now having protest and counterprotesters here in Dallas this Saturday...the Antifa group here will cause any peaceful protest to go straight to hell... fast. They are aggressive and confrontational from word go....and cause public and private property damage...for really no reason.

I have had to deal with these guys twice now, both times the counterprotester group they were "supporting" did not want them there.
Umm, there's video proof that his vehicle was attacked before hammer down occured.

That still wouldn't excuse him from smashing through a crowd. I get the point your making, it's a fucked up situation. However, it's pretty clear he is a Nazi supporter, according to his prior school teacher and mother. It's also unclear, why he was driving down that particular street. I would think any DA worth their salt would be able to prove that, this wasn't a self-defense reaction, as he is the one who put himself into that situation, and two, didn't hit the person who struck his car, but speed into a crowed.

I can see manslaughter, possibly involuntary manslaughter. But if there is any footage of him making death threats, any social media of death threats. He is he should be, because again, he is a racist asshole, who plowed into 20 people, injuring 19 and killing 1.

My $.02
So this was self defense? Could you clarify your position here for me?

I'm not meaning to be smug or an asshole, I want to know what you are saying.

You are attending an event
regardless of orientation or decorum
which while being planned months in advance and has court orders to enforce that said event can occur
which then has a mayor deem it an unlawful assembly on the part of the element that you are attending with
which then causes law enforcement to cause dispersal of the crowd you are with
with the only legal egress direction being through the unlawful, unapproved through legal process, counter-assembly consisting of armed belligerents
and your vehicle is attacked

What are your courses of action?

Reverse the rig towards law enforcement and be arrested, vehicle impounded, etc etc?
Throw it in park and pull a Chuck Yeager, hoping they don't notice you hopping in the ditch after you stomp the E-brake?
Huddle in the vehicle while it's bashed up, with only a easily shattered couple panes of glass being between you and a bat-wielding mob?
Assault through the force assaulting you?

There's zero good answers to the situation. He chose to defend himself as his property in which he was currently contained, was being attacked.

Is he a shithead at an apparent glance? yep... guess what, so is all of humanity if you take the appropriate snippets of existence. Regardless of how much you dislike his viewpoint, he was (I am assuming, as I'm not bored/autistic enough to pore over all videos available to see what type of participant he was in the event) obeying the law up until the point he was attacked.

We also, even with new alternative viewpoints, have no honest full, uncut, footage of the lead-up to that incident.

If Johnny Hotrod had intended to attack the crowd outright, at least from the new viewpoint I posted he had plenty of space to get a run that would have got him straight through that crowd in one shot with a challenger.

Come on dude, I know you've got a near-terminal case of white guilt but spare lambasting me or anyone else from your typical self-implied moral high ground you dawdle around on the regular.
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The only way out is to drive your car through a protest? Where was everyone else driving? And even if it's so, wouldn't a better idea be to leave and come back later for your car?
He's got a history of violence. While his car may have been hit with a baseball bat first, we don't know what his intent was. He very well may have been driving down that road to run them over and he was only first attacked out of pure luck.

Yeah, his history is pretty checkered with an obsession with Hitler and anything Nazi related. His mom is disabled and wheelchair bound, and the coward went after her with a knife.

Man accused of ramming car into crowd was previously accused of beating his mother

He should have rented a car for his drive into the crowd, and not used his own vehicle.

ETA. I'm sure that in his mind, he did something heroic for his cause. It probably did not take too much time to talk him into driving into the middle of the protest.
Let's say similar events happened in Paris, and the driver was a Muslim, after the event, it is found the driver had ties to an extremist organization. Do we say it is self defense, do we say that is his legal right, or do we condemn the actions of a cowardly piece of shit immediately?

I know what would happen in one of those cases, and I guess we are finding out what would happen in the other.
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