Area 51 Raid

I really want to see some presidential tweets addressing the Area-51 scandal.

I really NEED to see some presidential tweets addressing the Area-51 scandal.

The POTUS weighing in on Area-51 would be YUGE. In fatc, I think we need a wall around the complex to keep all of the ill-eagle A'le' Inns from getting into 'Murca
@Marauder06 campaigning during a Mod election...


I'd tap Mara; uh, I mean, I'd tap that....
I really want to see some presidential tweets addressing the Area-51 scandal.

I really NEED to see some presidential tweets addressing the Area-51 scandal.

The POTUS weighing in on Area-51 would be YUGE. In fatc, I think we need a wall around the complex to keep all of the ill-eagle A'le' Inns from getting into 'Murca

See, maybe he’s NOT tweeting about this specifically BECAUSE there’s a whole bunch of cool alien shit out there and he’s trying to let interest die down.

I mean, have you ever heard of the President NOT tweeting about something of national interest?

#ConspiracyTheory #Area51 #Let’sSeeThemAlienz
Rachel Nevada huh? No gas station or other stuff just people? Now I know where to look for the Aliens or Secret Agent guys ...
I was really looking forward to the AAR from this event.

The prospect of a consulting gig to help counter Naruto Uzumaki and his bullet dodging style of running was going to make me a fucking gazillionaire once I started depositing my big assed defense-contractor-checks for my "Optimized Hyper Scalable Naruto Area Protection Program" (OH SNAPP)