For your reading pleasure:
The OPs Tempo was high before 9/11. Hopefully leaving Iraq will allow us to re-engage in Nations we have visited in a while.well looks like optempo for SOF isn't gonna go down with iraq done and Afghan gonna be winding down eventually, though as they say "idle hands are the devils playground."
The OPs Tempo was high before 9/11. Hopefully leaving Iraq will allow us to re-engage in Nations we have visited in a while.
The OPs Tempo was high before 9/11. Hopefully leaving Iraq will allow us to re-engage in Nations we have visited in a while.
It seems like the higher-ups are starting to focus more on what SF's roles has traditionally been. In the SOCOM Doctrine there is also a lot of talk about FID, UW, and the like. The emphasis for the entire spectrum of SOF seems to be shifting towards a teaching/mentoring approach as opposed to all the DA. I know some members here have long felt that SF specifically has gotten too far from its original plan and gotten too focused on the "sexy" stuff to the detriment of other skills like language. I would think that most of SF would be happy about the shifting focus, but would also maybe feel a little put out that SOCOM seems to think they can give the FID/UW mission to anybody. Also, traditionally DA oriented units like the 75th or the SEAL Teams are now seemingly being pushed in a different direction. How does that play out? Am I way off base?
I don't foresee the 75th being thrust in a global conflict against terrorists. We have been utilized only in Iraq and Afghanistan. Two warzones.
While the SEALs and SF are deploying all over the world. Including continuously to places like the Philippines and HOA. No 75th there.
The future is SF and JSOC. I think the 75th and the SEALs (unless some get tasked with FID/JCETs) are going to be standing on the sidelines a lot in McRaven's future plan.
I've met many Army SMU types that will disagree with that statement
I've heard nothing but horror stories about complacency and fear by the defense folks of the Clinton era who were too risk averse to even send our best guy on operations aside from the Balkans.
The part of other non traditional operations bothers me. I have seen a trend to use the Military against our own citizens and that is scary to me. I know a lot of people think that is all hype and just trust the leaders they will do right. I am not so sure of that anymore. The Military should not be allowed to operate on US soil against citizens. The National guard is a totally different thing and there is some real time things that show the NG should not deal in civil unrest either.
Time will tell how we deal with facilities that are twice as old as the oldest members of the military. Infrastructure that still has cement sewer systems and cast iron plumbing. These facilities need money and attention to give the warrior a safe sound place to wind down between deployments.
There is a lot of history to predict where these cuts are going but I am willing to wait and see. Retention is good with a solid benefit package if you remove those benefits where does retention go? Look at the retirement figures for the highest enlisted ranks and ask yourself can you live on that amount of money every month in retirement? I hope we do this draw down and training the right way and everybody who gave so much is taken care of.
The US military is actually forbidden from engaging in police actions in the US under the posse commitatus act except under EXTREME conditions like nuclear terrorist attack and such.
WMD is one of the three exceptions to PC, the other two being an insurrection or a Federal quarantine.
I stand corrected. Just another example of why you can't believe everything you learn in class. I did find an interesting article about PC while I was learning that I was wrong.
How about the use of advisors from the SEALs or the 75th as an augment? I knew guys from both units when I was in HOA that were there in that role.