Army Times: SOF unleashed on the world

Rangers went through as much training before they went their battalions.

That is a proposed pipeline, it is not in effect at this time.
Current pipeline:
11series and all support mos's (non nco)- Basic/AIT, airborne, pre-rasp, rasp then to battalion. top performers go to surt/ranger school straight out of rasp
68W- basic/ait, airborne, pre rasp, rasp, pre socm, socm. sometimes they go to surt/ranger school before socm, but this is not common
13F/25U/C- basic, ait, airborne, pre-rasp, rasp, regimental commo course, go to batt.
Is SERE a very sought after school in Ranger Regiment? Which one do you folks go to?
I wouldn't think it would be sought after if it was not a requirement. It would be a terrible situation to be SERE qualified and detained with a bunch of non-SERE qual'ed dudes- it'd probably make me loose my mind.
There are plenty of SERE slots available, but it really just comes down to guys asking to go. From what I have seen, it isn't at the top of every guys list of courses to attend during the training cycle, I guess just because they would rather go to things like master breacher and some of the civilian shooting courses out there. I know plenty of guys who have gone, and they all say more guys should go to it, that it is the most professional and worth while course to attend. At 1/75, most guys went to the rucker course, and from the few 2/75 guys I have talked to, it seems they went to the one at fairchild. I never really heard of anyone attending you guys' up at bragg, I assume because they keep those slots filled with guys that are in the Q.

But, as I mentioned above, there are quite a few guys who think it should be apart of the initial pipeline, for obvious reasons (or so it would seem).
I much rather would've had a ranger with me than the fat CA captain that went through with me. He couldn't climb during escape, couldn't walk during evasion, and cried during resistance.

It's a good school, great experience, full of self-defining "moments", a bit of history, and a lot of fun. The biggest lesson, and this may seem self evident, but survival and resistance suck. The whole Bravo Two-Zero approach is the way to go, at least in my opinion. I'd self-rescue across the state of North Carolina before spending another doing another tour in that shit hole, and would probably do the same across Afghanistan- even if it doesn't work out, at least I'd be my own man to the bitter end. But I digress, back to the thread, as briefed.
Going back to the original article, I am very interested to see how the different SOF units posture and "advertise" themselves to both stay relevant, and to keep getting the funding that they are used to from the GWOT. It seems obvious that the pendelum is swinging to the FID/UW skill set as we have already discussed. On the one hand, we have things going like the SF mission in Africa right now, but then again I think or want to think that these in and out raids like we saw the other day in the HOA will also become common place, keeping the need for us to stay sharp on the DA side as well.
I had guys from Lewis in my SERE class at Fairchild.
They had an informal agreement that 2/75 guys could walk on if there was a slot.