.Battle of Shewan


Force Recon
Verified SOF
Mar 15, 2008
Tun Tavern
I can’t believe it’s been ten years since the Battle of Shewan. It’s been ten short years since a small group of infantrymen and Force Reconnaissance Marines waded through waves of fire to clear a town of the evil men that infested it. No one can agree on how many Taliban fighters flooded the battlefield. It is much harder to quibble over the dozens of twisted and broken men the enemy left behind as they fled. We put a lot of bad men to the sword that day but I’m not sure we had a lasting effect on the war. I do know, however, that the Taliban in the Farah Province never forgot the incredible price they paid for underestimating a platoon (reinforced) of United States Marines. It is a beautiful thing to terrify a group of evil men whose entire identity revolves around spreading fear and attacking the innocent.

I was in Farah with SOST supporting MARSOC, I believe it was 2010. I really enjoyed my time with them, they were true badasses and they were one of the first units to fully embrace our presence and integrate us into mission planning.
I can’t believe it’s been ten years since the Battle of Shewan. It’s been ten short years since a small group of infantrymen and Force Reconnaissance Marines waded through waves of fire to clear a town of the evil men that infested it. No one can agree on how many Taliban fighters flooded the battlefield. It is much harder to quibble over the dozens of twisted and broken men the enemy left behind as they fled. We put a lot of bad men to the sword that day but I’m not sure we had a lasting effect on the war. I do know, however, that the Taliban in the Farah Province never forgot the incredible price they paid for underestimating a platoon (reinforced) of United States Marines. It is a beautiful thing to terrify a group of evil men whose entire identity revolves around spreading fear and attacking the innocent.

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I admire the actions of the Marines that day. I am currently building a case study on the Battle of Shewan for the USMC Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy (I currently am assigned to the Camp Lejeune Schoolhouse as a faculty advisor). I have a few questions regarding the engagement, and could use some other material to build the case study. Would you or anyone else with intimate knowledge of the events of that day be able to assist me?
I admire the actions of the Marines that day. I am currently building a case study on the Battle of Shewan for the USMC Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy (I currently am assigned to the Camp Lejeune Schoolhouse as a faculty advisor). I have a few questions regarding the engagement, and could use some other material to build the case study. Would you or anyone else with intimate knowledge of the events of that day be able to assist me?
Obviously @Teufel is more than capable of doing his own “sniff test”, but your request is one of the many reasons it is worth your time to become vetted on the site.
Why is it that our enemies suddenly leak bodily fluids when you go TDY?

You’re “on the road” and ISIS is defeated in the same week??? What are the odds? Yeah, yeah, yeah, “I had nothing to do with it”.
Him and Chaos. Who, incidentally has been absent from the radar since January but rejoins the Stanford think tank May 1.

Which reminds me. I need to look up flights to Stanford. 8-)