Best Infantry


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
We've covered armies and whatnot, who would you rate as the best infantry in history? Think of men, equipment, and training.

My vote? The Roman legions. They held it together for years in a far flung empire. Their training, tactics, and equipment shaped their time period and set the standard for others to follow.

Your vote?
Hmm... Kind of torn between Roman Legion and Spartiates. Legionaires were great soldiers but they were kept inline through the threat of violence. As a Spartan warrior it was a pride thing, plus they were brought up as warriors from infancy. I not trying to sound like a 300 homo but it was a good movie. I don't know much about military history steming from that time so I am at this moment reading up if you have anything to add enlighten me.
Alright, Free. I'll stop busting your balls.

What about the Greeks at Thermopylae?
Montgomery's African Infantry Regiments were very good, and led the evolution into Mechanized Infantry-- but I think the Ghurkhas might be about the best straight leg infantry out there, over time...

And there's always the Rat Patrol... or Combat!

When I was leaving for Turkey (many moons ago), a frat brother's father, who had served with Turks in the Korean war, was truly fightened for me. Pulled me aside at a Christmas party and gave me a "Sacred Heart of Christ" medallion (I'm not Catholic and he knew it). "Take this with you, Chris. Those bastards are pretty tough." I still carry it in my "medicine bag."

As for "Combat," well, we all know what happened to Vic Morrow...:(
Montgomery's African Infantry Regiments were very good, and led the evolution into Mechanized Infantry-- but I think the Ghurkhas might be about the best straight leg infantry out there, over time...

And there's always the Rat Patrol... or Combat!


The best Infantry units in the 8th Army were the Kiwis and Aussies, the Kiwi Div went on to become armored in Italy.

I think I would have to go with the Romans in ancient times and the Brit Paras in modern times.
may not be the best...but one i respect the most. Sihks. An entire religion based on defense of the weak regardless and race, nation, religion or sex. I've had the privilege to meet some and they have my utmost respect.
In chronological order:

1. Spartan phalanx
2. Macedonian phalanx
3. Roman legion
4. Swiss pikemen
5. Swedish infantry under Gustavus Adolphus
6. British infantry of the 19th century
7. U.S. Marines in World War Two
8. Gurkhas

Not exhaustive. Also, an honorable mention to the British, French and German infantry of the trenches of the Western Front, who endured hell with a patriotism and toughness hard to imagine today.
Here is a spin on things:
Knights in Medieval Europe-
-Highly Trained in the use of various weapons and hand to hand combat-
-Rode on Horseback-
-Were very well equipped with the absolute best weaponry of the day-
-Virtually human tanks with their thick plate armour.
WWII German Infantry (1940-43), '44-45 they had reached the bottom of the manpower pool, but they still fault out numbered and on a tactical level better than most.
Why is everyone so reluctant to say the U.S. Army infantryman in WWII? With only a few exceptions won every battle they fought.
Well, they had no real official name as that this is more of a generalized description of a group but I think the warrior classes of certain tribes of Native American's had a pretty notable "Infantry" being that they taught us a thing or two about guerrilla warfare, tracking / counter tracking and all around psychological warfare.
Personally I still think if you look at everything about a knight, I mean the guys trained to be the best on the battlefield from a young age. They had the BEST equipment, and they were very heavily armed.
Yes, for a time, but were outplayed by the Mongols. Knights had a lot of parephenalia thay carried around, tents, valets etc. and supplies in general The Mongols could ride over long distances, and were more mobile than their contemporary foe.