NO shit!! I've seen that one! he had eczema really bad.
So this isn't the "best" medical profile, but it sure was interesting how I managed to get around it.
End of hijack....
I had something similar happen to me. I was in AIT at Ft Sam. I had done basic at Ft Leonard Wood, and got the inevitable URI as a result of close contact, living with 45 other males in a trailer barracks. yay. so at AIT, I had thought my URI "cured", and in reality, it had become Pneumonia. I show up with a fever of 101+, chills, sweats, cough, lung butter, everything. the nurse brings me back, does my tilts, finds out I'm a medic student. she, being a former 91C (LPN nurse), understood that I A) did NOT want to be admitted into BAMC, and B) refused to miss more than 8 hours of class. if you missed 16, you recycled, and I wasn't having that shit. so whenever the doc would leave, she'd bring me a pitcher of Ice water. I'd dirnk it, she'd take my temp, and always it would be UNDER the magic number of 102.3, which was the cut-off for automatic admittance to BAMC. the doc couldn't understand why i felt so warm but didn't register it. She also talked to the Clinic OIC, and old friend, apparently. since the doc kep wanting me to go to BAMC, and I refused, the OIC sided with the nurse - he couldn't MAKE me go just because I was sick, I had to meet one some sort of criteria for admittance against my wishes. the high fever I actually had would have done it, but pneumonia in and of itself does not constitute a reason for hospitalization. basically, the Nurse and the OIC knew why I didn't want to recycle. so, they gave me tylenol to break the fever, 2 Z-packs, and some cold/cough meds, and sent me back to class. I still thank her everyday for that, because of her I grad'd on time and have loved my job ever since.
OK FM and Medic1 WTF's going on dis'in us nurses?? I am neither whiney and I definately have a sense of humor. (Why Doc, you mean I can't suture this drunk SOB's earlobe to the gurney when he becomes an idiot?)
sounds like a fun time to me!!!