Brexit - (AKA...should they stay or should they go now?)

Yet if they don't follow through with the will of the people what message does THAT send? You dirty peasants don't know how the world works? Your voice and vote are irrelevant if we decide that's best? Laws apply except when we want to ignore them?

Love or hate Brexit, this has larger consequences beyond things like the economy or exiting treaties.

As a rule of thumb, almost anything written in The Guardian is just socialist trash to appease salty millenials.

As far as I'm concerned, it's the same as the Daily Mail -- just the opposite views. In fact, I'd say the DM is more accurate these days (while still being incredibly biased as well) and more honest about their motives. At least they don't pretend to be 'le enlightened progressives' who look down on peasants who just 'don't know how to vote'.

I also agree since those were the rules the set in place. But imho, I think for something as important as this, a simple majority wasn't enough. It was akin to us making a change to the Constitution; the bar should've been 66.6% to leave the EU.

I don't think you realise the significance of this even if we'd have won by 0.1%. They managed to pull this off against all odds, while a culture of fear was being spun by every mainstream political party, the financial sector, the multinationals, the merchant banks, EU-funded propaganda, the media, etc... and with young, inexperienced, impressionable voters in their pockets.

DESPITE the globalists throwing everything they had at this, we still won. I think you'd see things differently if you'd been here and experienced the 24hr propaganda machine that's been in full effect for the past few months. It was pretty disgusting to be honest. And it's still going on, trying to spin the narrative on this.
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