Brexit - (AKA...should they stay or should they go now?)

I think voting to remain in the UK without EU membership may raise interesting results, Scotland would almost certainly jump ship, there's a small possibility of NI doing it, the Sheep Shaggers would stay put. Not that it will happen though, Scotland will get their vote, Northern Ireland is nowhere near ready to even begin contemplating independence and Wales are Wales.

The EU just told Sturgeon to bugger off; either we all leave or we don't leave at all, which means Scotland would have to rejoin and thus adopt the Euro. Are they really ready to lose the Pound? And how many people voted just because, for many of them, it's almost traditional to vote against anything the English want? Lots of questions, lots of unpredictable factors, much like in the EU referendum itself. None of the pollsters or predictions got it right.

If we suspend freedom of movement with the EU, which I bloody well hope we fight for otherwise it's almost pointless, then ideally we'd also need border controls with Scotland. Not sure if they'd want to give up the right to freely move across the UK?

Not quite sure I agree with the NHS money being presented as what it could possibly be spent on... I mean, their campaign bus had it emblazoned all over it. It was pretty clear cut.

It's certainly true that it was presented to look that way. All politicians are lying cunts though, even when they do state something explicitly, let alone hint at something.

I think not expecting to win and not forming any kind of plan may come back to bite them, two years of negotiations for something this major isn't a particularly long time and the EU are ready to kick off negotations right now.

It now seems that regions are looking for assurances that Westminster will replace the money they'll lose from EU subsidies... Cornwall looking for 60 million quid a year. Yorkshire want 600 million quid over the next four years. Northern Ireland sounding off about it as well... It could get quite expensive.

There will be interesting times ahead indeed. But I'd rather it be this way than exchange liberty for the (very very temporary) 'security' of being in the EU.

Very much agreed on politicians being lying cunts... Weasels on all sides of the political spectrum! Boris Johnson has just been quoted on Sky as saying that the Leave campaign has no plan for the Brexit and that No. 10 should have had a plan in place. Labour party is imploding this morning as well.

Britain are undoubtedly gonna look to keep access to the single market during negotiations with the EU and they'll have to take everything that comes with that access, including free movement of labour. Norway had to do it so I really can't see Britain being different.

As for that Facebook post, it conveniently left out the FTSE 250 which is far more relevant to UK companies than the 100 and the fact that the 250 took a hammering and ended up down somewhere around 7%... But the market stuff was always gonna happen due to it being such a huge event and will eventually settle down and level out.

Just as an aside, I have no horse in this race and think the will of the people in any democratic vote should be respected completely, as it should be in any functioning democracy. I just find the whole thing really interesting as Britain is heading into completely new territory with no real plan in place.
Britain are undoubtedly gonna look to keep access to the single market during negotiations with the EU and they'll have to take everything that comes with that access, including free movement of labour. Norway had to do it so I really can't see Britain being different.

Switzerland have access and are scheduled to impose permanent quotas on residence/work permits for citizens of all EEA countries except Liechtenstein, starting from 2017 at the latest.

Free Movement of Persons Switzerland – EU/EFTA

Liechtenstein also have access to the single market but impose a permanent quota for all EEA citizens.

In any case, if we are successful in leaving the EU (i.e., traitors don't manage to scupper this somehow), then other countries may follow suit and it will be the end of the EU before we know it. Then we can all renegotiate a whole bunch of terms, even though that may be 10-20 years away.
Yes... Cry racism and that'll change things. How about an online petition for a revote? Best two out of three?

Yet the details of the referendum demonstrate a paradox – that those who have experienced the highest levels of migration are the least anxious about it. The highest levels of remain voters were in areas of highest net migration, while some of the strongest leave areas have had the fewest recent new immigrants.

The Guardian's explanation is beyond stupid, but well expected from a "newspaper" that is so self-loathing of its white British roots. Their explanation only makes sense to people who don't live here or those who are blissfully ignorant of the state of the 'culturally enriched' parts of the UK. Go into some of the inner London areas that voted so heavily to remain, and you'll be hard pressed to find many white British people. They've become a minority in those areas.

So, in other words, the areas full of people with foreign backgrounds voted to remain? And areas inhabited mostly by native Brits voted to leave? What a surprise. It's almost as if those natives don't want the rest of the country turned into London. People with immigrant backgrounds tend to want more immigration (to have more people like themselves around), while the natives tend to want less (to keep more people like themselves around). When it's a real concern, you'd be stupid not to fear it (unless you're a minority, or welcome becoming a minority in your own country). The FEAR of immigration was CAUSED by a mass immigration policy that we know was deliberately engineered by the left.

Under normal circumstances, mass immigration from people of vastly different cultures is never good for a country. Trying to separate fear of mass immigration from mass immigration itself... is ridiculous, because the former is inevitable if you allow the latter to happen.
Committed leftists are so invested in the idea that they are smarter and more enlightened than everyone else that they emotionally can't deal with disagreement. The calls for a revote are hilarious. And every time I see someone claim racism, I want Trump to be elected Supreme World Emperor. I can't stand the guy, but I want to see people's heads explode when they rage quit and hide in their safe spaces for months.
Honestly, immigration wouldn't be a topic in the US, England, Europe, or wherever if immigrants assimilated into the existing culture. You can maintain your culture without overthrowing the status quo. Whether a community or a country, you start making enemies and stoking fears when you remain an outsider. You've decided your old home sucked so bad you had to leave, so you conduct what amounts to a peaceful invasion of another land....and you're pissed when someone calls you out?
Honestly, immigration wouldn't be a topic in the US, England, Europe, or wherever if immigrants assimilated into the existing culture. You can maintain your culture without overthrowing the status quo. Whether a community or a country, you start making enemies and stoking fears when you remain an outsider. You've decided your old home sucked so bad you had to leave, so you conduct what amounts to a peaceful invasion of another land....and you're pissed when someone calls you out?

Assimilation doesn't happen overnight, it takes generations. It is a great myth that when immigrants came to America they were Americans the next day. They often found themselves in ghettos comprised of mostly the same ethnicities and comprised of the same culture.
Assimilation doesn't happen overnight, it takes generations. It is a great myth that when immigrants came to America they were Americans the next day. They often found themselves in ghettos comprised of mostly the same ethnicities and comprised of the same culture.

I agree 100%. Living in FL I can state that many didn't even try. While there have always been pockets that never assimilated, whole swaths of S. FL aren't even trying.
Immigrants, naturally, tend to group out of necessity at first. Look at NY's Little Italy and Boston's old Irish neighborhoods.

I think the question here though is less of racism and more of a rational fear of terrorism and the gradual dissolution of national character.

It doesn't strike me that Muslims in particular are all that keen on assimilation. And unfortunately, the intolerance and violence between their various sects and toward Jews, Christians, Westerners and other infidels seems to migrate in along with the more moderate True Believers. Is it racism to fear Jihadist radicals? It may be unfair, but given events of the last decades completely understandable and in many cases justified.
I agree 100%. Living in FL I can state that many didn't even try. While there have always been pockets that never assimilated, whole swaths of S. FL aren't even trying.

Not quite true for the Cuban population, but I'd definitely agree with what your saying from the other faster growing communities there like the Haitians