Brexit - (AKA...should they stay or should they go now?)

think the US should follow suit; I've always thought that 'calling a state' when only a fraction of the votes have been counted is bullshit.

What do you mean? (Serious question, no sarcasm intended)
What do you mean? (Serious question, no sarcasm intended)
The networks are constantly 'predicting' the outcome of the election throughout the day based on exit polls on the East coast. I'm sure you've seen CNN declare a winner of a state the moment the poll closes. I think it's obscene.

People who haven't had a chance to vote yet (due to work or because they're in a western time zone) might decide not to vote based on these projections because why bother, the election has been decided so what's the point? :wall:
@Ex3 - Thanks for the response, and completely agree with you. I misunderstood the intent of you post and thought you were saying something different.
Not that my opinion matters, but I'm glad the UK bailed out of the EU. In the aftermath of WWII nations ran scared and submitted to this misguided belief that we need an organization to protect us from ourselves.

Think about that for a second. History always, always, always has people who want what you have. Your land, freedom, minerals, etc. are always coveted by someone else. Suddenly the UN and its ilk can prevent that? Forget the despots who started WWII, this is even meant to prevent policies like the treaties which led to WWI (and arguably WWII with Poland and the UK/ France)? Nonsense.

So we have the UN, NATO, Warsaw Pact, the EU, SEATO, and whatever else and how that worked? You literally have other nations sticking their noses in your country's business. Not even international affairs, but domestic. What nation has the right to interject itself into another nation's domestic issues? Yes, I'm even looking at the US in places like Iran and Guatemala.

A sovereign nation governs itself and most of the planet ceded some level of sovereignty in the aftermath of WWII. That's garbage and needs to go. Cloak this in racism or conservatism run amok, but I'm glad the UK did this if only to set an example for the rest of the world.
Points well taken. But I think the big difference between now and the WWII timeframe is that we truly have a global economy, no one lives in a bubble. England had valid concerns about immigration under the EU, but my understanding is that Cameron had negotiated an immigration reform deal if they stayed. But in the sound bite world we live in, guess what everyone in England was googling this morning? :rolleyes:

"That confusion over what Brexit might mean for the country's economy appears to have been reflected across the United Kingdom on Thursday. Google reported sharp upticks in searches not only related to the ballot measure but also about basic questions concerning the implications of the vote. At about 1 a.m. Eastern time, about eight hours after the polls closed, Google reported that searches for "what happens if we leave the EU" had more than tripled."

The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it
The fact that the staunchest supports of the Remain camp include career politicians, big banks, big businesses, Hillary Clinton, and actors tells me all I need to know about what the EU really stands for - and who is at stake to lose the most if/when this failed experiment finally dies. The EU is a statist, corportist, and central planning body filled with unaccountable and un-elected bureaucrats. IMO, this is a win for the common man and woman in the UK.

Also, having a global economy doesn't mandate that entities such as the EU must exist or else free trade and the global economy will collapse. The US (and I believe the UK) doesn't have free trade agreements with countries such as Vietnam and yet those goods magically appear on shelves at stores all over the country. The EU places tariffs on imports coming from non-EU countries, so what it really boils down to is protectionism for EU members which is quite the opposite of free trade.
Piers Morgan checks in. Wish I had a better understanding of this, why is Trump happy and Hillary concerned?

Britain's exit from Europe should leave Clinton shaking in her boots

Britain's exit from Europe should leave Clinton shaking in her boots

Trump is an idiot.

He has no idea why he's happy. He's merely pushing along with it being a good thing because he reckons he'll win a few brownie points with the Brits.

He was in Scotland today and declared on Twitter today that the "place is going wild over the vote".... Scotland voted to remain in the EU.

The man is all soundbites, with very little substance.
The one major fallout from this will be what it means for the United Kingdom as a whole. Northern Ireland and Scotland both voted to Remain but due to the UK as a whole, their votes meant fuck all.

The Scottish have already signalled their intent to have another referendum on independence, while there's calls for a border poll in Northern Ireland.

They may well end up going from Great Britain to Little England.
Have you seen his jet and his wife????

I forget where I heard this one before:
"You know why Eddie Van Halen's always smiling? Because unlike everyone who wishes they were Eddie fucking Van Halen... he IS Eddie fucking Van Halen..."
in the sound bite world we live in, guess what everyone in England was googling this morning? :rolleyes:

"That confusion over what Brexit might mean for the country's economy appears to have been reflected across the United Kingdom on Thursday. Google reported sharp upticks in searches not only related to the ballot measure but also about basic questions concerning the implications of the vote. At about 1 a.m. Eastern time, about eight hours after the polls closed, Google reported that searches for "what happens if we leave the EU" had more than tripled."

The British are frantically Googling what the E.U. is, hours after voting to leave it

If anyone drove those trends, it's most likely kids or people who voted remain without ever asking what the implications of leaving would be.

To suggest that most people who voted leave didn't understand what it would mean is just plain ridiculous.