Burglar dies in chimney

Homeowner set the fire after he knew the burglar was inside the chimney?

  • yes

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • no

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • who cares

    Votes: 17 73.9%

  • Total voters
If the homeowner new for a fact that the idiot "bungler" was stuck in his chimney, lighting a fire could have, and probably did cause the death of the individual. This was some really poor judgement all the way around, IMHO. YMMV.
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If the idiot was already dehydrated and passed out from sleep deprivation or shock from any injuries he may have sustained, then it's altogether possible that the homeowner wouldn't have known he was there. If the homeowner walked away for a moment after first lighting the fire (make a head call, put up groceries, pour some scotch), then he may not have heard when the screaming first started, assuming he started screaming as soon as the first tendrils of smoke tickled his whiskers. If it took him a minute or two to come to, damage was already done and it may have been too late by the time he started with the yowling. However, these are all what-if's that aren't going to be answered until the autopsy is complete and all the statements have been given to investigators.

As far as I'm concerned, he was a goddamned idiot that managed to get himself killed. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him down that chimney, just like there wasn't a pack of hot dogs waiting at the bottom so he could feed his starving children. No pity from me.
He was still alive when the fire department got there and tried to get him out, there was only so much that could be done. It's not like the home owner waited until he was done screaming to put the fire out.
Terrible. Sad waste of a life. B&E shouldn't have equaled a death sentence.

Still, who to blame? I doubt a man stuck upside down in brick can generate much force to yell loudly enough to have alerted the residents/.