As a matter of fact I am. One of the instructors at 5th SFG SOTIC (SNIPER) taught me and it only took 5 minutes... even for a rock like me....
here's how:
SFC T.B. at sotic told me to do it this way:
1. disassemble.. strip all exterior parts
2. I cleaned it with brake cleaner, brushed the cracks and crevices with a firm brush
3. I let it dry overnite.
4. mask off (on the rifle) the mag well, s/n, safe and fire,
on the parts, masked holographic lenses, flashlight lens, part number on rear sight. and anything else you desire to cover
5. Base coat of flat almond on all parts seperately (keft the upper and lower together)
5.1 assemble exterior parts
6. next coat without foliage of flat sand in crossing parts
7. next coat in primer brick red with oak leaf, small leafs, grass and group of twigs
8. next coat of OD green with same foliage...
9. let dry
10 take pix and present shit eating grin...
I was able to do the small colors without letting it dry in between, and I could pick it up and carry in five minutes.
when painting, keep 10-12 inches and start spraying left to right before you get to your target and spray after you pass target.. use many light coats instead of one heavy coat..
I had to fix a couple spots, but I simply let it dry, and scraped the blemishes rubbed them clean and touched up.
I like it, and thanks for the compliments.
I like the fact that it grew the accessories too