Cancelling cable...


Verified SOF
Aug 14, 2006
...and looking for alternatives. I've grown weary of unannounced fee increases, crappy programming, etc. Seems like an HD antenna coupled with something like Roku or some other device to stream shows and sports would work. The thing that pisses me off is that there doesn't seem to be a good way to get out of market sports (NFL/NHL/MLB) unless you want to shell out some cash to get whatever plan the leagues offer. Anyone have any experience or insight?
My family ditched cable 8 months ago, and we're all better off for it. With the Internet, I don't need cable for news, and with NetFlix streaming, I don't need it for entertainment.

Suck it, Time Warner.
We got rid of cable in May. And I don't miss it. With HuLu Netflix and the internet I don't miss much. Plus we use a friends log in for ESPN and my dad got me NFL Sunday ticket for the computer. All that costs 20 bucks a month. The antennae cost 8 bucks and will give you digital programming for FOX, NBC ABC and CBS. It isn't bad.
The antenna works well especially near larger cities. I've switched to SMART TV where it already has wireless capability. The VIZIO I have (like the SAMSUNG's) come with wireless and an APP STORE. As such, we're playing on getting NHL Center Ice and NFL Sunday Ticket. With Netflix for movies and the rest of the internet for TV shows, that's all we'll need.
Also, my brother has APPLE TV and loves it. A lot of news services come with it, including SKY news from the UK. Good programming.
My satellite was costing me $150 a month. I had to shut it off along with the net and home phone, and still have yet to turn them back on.

I had roku and we loved it, but you can do the same with you laptop and a trip to radio shack. You can also get unlimited cable for free/software fee, using your internet.

I use a HD antenna for basic TV/News. I do miss my satellite, but for the money, especially on a budget, HD antenna is the way to go. I get 36 channels in a rural area, with a cheap walmart antenna I modified.

If I had internet, I would do the internet cable software, and keep the HDTV antenna.
I wouldn't mind ditching the expense of cable, but my cable provider is also my ISP. Switching from Comcast to FIOS internet doesn't make sense and would likely result in a lower level of service anyway.

I second the suggestions above re: Netflix, Hulu, etc. As far as out of market sports...sports bar?

Does anybody else remember when TVs came in attractive wooden cabinets, changing the channel meant getting off your ass and turning a dial, and you were happy to get three or four channels?
I wouldn't mind ditching the expense of cable, but my cable provider is also my ISP.

Unless you're locked into a contract, you can ditch cable and keep the internet and/or land line, if you have one. Hell, not having to pay for the monthly programming would free up a few bucks to pay for faster internet. Not a bad trade, if you ask me.
I wouldn't mind ditching the expense of cable, but my cable provider is also my ISP. Switching from Comcast to FIOS internet doesn't make sense and would likely result in a lower level of service anyway.

I second the suggestions above re: Netflix, Hulu, etc. As far as out of market sports...sports bar?

Does anybody else remember when TVs came in attractive wooden cabinets, changing the channel meant getting off your ass and turning a dial, and you were happy to get three or four channels?

I remember when cable just got to my part of Philly. My pops. signed up and HBO was fucking awesome plus we had Cinamax (skinamax) with all the half of porno movies, enough to get a kid all messed up. Before that, me and pops would watch Combat (the old show from the 60's) on UHF and the antenna would piss us off. I also remember, on another note, calling the 1-900 numbers (porno lines) not understanding that they cost dollars until the $300 phone bill came. Needless to say, I could not sit down for a week.

I haven't had a TV in over 15 years, really don't miss it. used to love to watch the History and Discovery channels but even they are just full of reality TV BS now and not worth watching. British TV still has awesome documentaries, youtube has a lot of them as well as movies.
I have Amazon Prime, Netflix, Youtube and I supplement with some free internet movie sites which may or may not get invites to the FCC's xmas parties. :-" Gives me most things I want with the exception of good quality new releases.
Thought about adding Hulu but don't know much about it.
I haven't had a TV in over 15 years, really don't miss it. used to love to watch the History and Discovery channels but even they are just full of reality TV BS now and not worth watching. British TV still has awesome documentaries, youtube has a lot of them as well as movies.
I have Amazon Prime, Netflix, Youtube and I supplement with some free internet movie sites which may or may not get invites to the FCC's xmas parties. :-" Gives me most things I want with the exception of good quality new releases.
Thought about adding Hulu but don't know much about it.
Not a fan of Hulu personally. You still have to watch the ads even when you pay for it. You can watch most of the content online for free there, the ads are just 100 seconds long vs 45-60. We tried out Hulu and Netflix, stuck with Netflix because of the lack of ads. once we have some spare coin I plan on getting a Roku.
Not a fan of Hulu personally. You still have to watch the ads even when you pay for it. You can watch most of the content online for free there, the ads are just 100 seconds long vs 45-60. We tried out Hulu and Netflix, stuck with Netflix because of the lack of ads. once we have some spare coin I plan on getting a Roku.

Thank you!
We kicked cable over a decade ago. They are just organized crime IMHO.
I use a DSL line for internet and satellite (DirecTV).
I've had Google TV.and roku. I prefer roku.

As for sports games idk. If you show up at your with a 6pack I'm sure you'll be g2g
For myself I have satellite but once the contract is up I will be getting rid of it. Netflix has or will have most of what I want to watch and if not torrents have the rest. The sports is the one thing I will miss, but not as much as having the extra money saved.
Got rid of the cable TV, but kept the cable internet. Gonna have to do the HDTV antenna thing I reckon. Also do the NetFlix, Hulu, Amazon thing. Watch a LOT of stuff from a coke&popcorn*****.ch