Cancelling cable...

So, we have eight months left on our contract with Directv and they just dropped the local NBC channel. Seems like once or twice a year Directv pulls a stunt like this under the guise of saving the user money only rates continue to go up. I picked up an HD antenna for 14.99 the other day in order to watch the local NBC station and to see how many other channels we could get. With a set of $15 rabbit ears we get 25 channels, about half of which are in HD. HH6 was impressed and is now sold on dumping Directv when it is cost efficient to do so.
I have no intention of getting cable or satellite when I make my return to CONUS. Everything I could possibly want to watch I can either download or find on network websites, along with Netflix.
I downgraded cable when I was unemployed...can't say I miss anything and "only" pay 40.00 a month now. However hockey season is approaching....I may upgrade for the season. But it just fucking kills me to spend 80-90.00 per month for the crap that is on television.
I downgraded cable when I was unemployed...can't say I miss anything and "only" pay 40.00 a month now. However hockey season is approaching....I may upgrade for the season. But it just fucking kills me to spend 80-90.00 per month for the crap that is on television.

Agreed. They might have a deal on NHL Center Ice or GameCenter. Also, SiriusXM might work for a year. I found the Satellite Radio broadcasted most if not all NHL games and teams. I'm in the same boat!
Agreed. They might have a deal on NHL Center Ice or GameCenter. Also, SiriusXM might work for a year. I found the Satellite Radio broadcasted most if not all NHL games and teams. I'm in the same boat!

I may check out Center Ice... My local radio station broadcasts all the Hawks games, but I prefer to watch the games. Decisions decisions!
I bought Game Center last year because our Dish package didn't have NBC Sports. I didn't watch it much but it worked great. We are out of contract now and are probably cutting the cord this weekend.
I get Center Ice every year and love it. I can stream the games on my phone, PS4, and laptop. I do the same for MLB. DirecTV is being a big doosh saying I'm not eligible to get the streaming service eventhough I live in an area that I can't get a signal.
I am pretty excited about being able to consistently watch College Football when I return from the states, because attempting that in the UK is an absolute money vacuum.
I downgraded cable when I was unemployed...can't say I miss anything and "only" pay 40.00 a month now. However hockey season is approaching....I may upgrade for the season. But it just fucking kills me to spend 80-90.00 per month for the crap that is on television.

I agree, the bulk of broadcast TV is crap laced with drivel. Ice hockey on TV follows the puck pretty, but misses a lot of the other action on the ice. Just seeing the ice in the arena is impressive enough, and TV coverage never does capture that. Still, TV coverage of ice hockey beats not at all.
A friend of mine went out and picked up a Roku box a few weeks ago. He got home, pulled it out of the package, hooked it up, and it didn't work. The device itself wasn't defective; rather, it turns out that Comcast does not allow for Roku apps. His only alternative for an ISP that does work with Roku is the HIGHLY substandard MediaCom (guaranteed your service will be down for a third of the time each month).

He was fortunate that he was able to get his money back the same day, since Comcast didn't exactly go out of its way to make it known that they aren't Roku friendly. So, if anyone is looking at going the Roku route - if you haven't already - then I can't stress enough to do your homework before you buy it. Make sure it's supported in your market.
Buy a SAMSUNG TV, make a new gmail account, use it to register on all the sites needed.

IF you want local channels, you can make your own HD antenna out of stuff around the house and a $5 UHF pigtail.

I was able to pull in HD tv from 53 miles away!
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Thread revival...after more than three years of trying to convince someone to dump Directv it is done. Called yesterday afternoon and cancelled my account. Next up: moving out of the suburbs. Someone once said that a guerrilla fight the patient war...
Thread revival...after more than three years of trying to convince someone to dump Directv it is done. Called yesterday afternoon and cancelled my account. Next up: moving out of the suburbs. Someone once said that a guerrilla fight the patient war...
Cancelled Direct TV in October and really don't miss having a TV.
The two shows I watched can be watched online ($1.99/episode is cheaper than cable/satellite)
If it wasn't for my kids and some of the stuff they watch I could just as easily get rid of Dish. Only about a dozen, maybe 15 channels we watch with any regularity.

I will have to do some research and look at alternatives, maybe look at doing this.