Does the DCO act as the unit IG?When he was finished with the scissors, Faith taped up the burn bag and made a mental note to run it down to the SCIF before he went home for the evening. He then paused for a moment to consider his next move. The Dud was clearly gunning for him, and was in league with the inspector from Division. That was a problem. While Faith knew that the inspection failed to uncover any serious shortcomings (probably thanks in no small measure to Chief Michaels), it was still possible that The Dud would try to use whatever was included in the upcoming report to blow everything out of proportion. The best thing to do in this situation was probably a pre-emptive strike, to reach out to the Group leadership before The Dud had a chance to. Feeling very Sun Tzu-like, he picked up the phone and dialed the DCO’s number.
OK for this next bit, I'm going to need some names for some dirtbag warrant officers and NCOs. Suggestions welcome.
Without all my NCOs, who will supervise all of the Spec-4s that I count on to do all the "real" work around here? I need my clipart NCO, my "sage advice" NCO... and of course my "funny and witty" NCO, although he hasn't been doing such a good job around here lately and may have to be replaced
OK for this next bit, I'm going to need some names for some dirtbag warrant officers and NCOs. Suggestions welcome.
OK for this next bit, I'm going to need some names for some dirtbag warrant officers and NCOs. Suggestions welcome.