Case Study: Sun Tzu, III/31

Faith knew what he had to do. “I’m not signing this,” he decleared as he tossed the counseling statement onto the desk. “Y-y-y-you have t-t-t-to,” The Dud countered, looking shocked.

“No, I really don’t think I do,” Faith stated evenly. Now it was The Dud’s turn to turn red. “This is all bullshit,” Faith continued, waving his hand in the direction of the counseling statement. “I don’t agree with a word of it.”

“Your s-s-s-signature only means that you r-r-r-read the form, not that you a-a-a-agree with it,” The Dud countered.

Faith considered that for a moment. He thought The Dud might be right.

“OK, fine,” Faith said, reconsidering. Let me see it.” He pulled out a pen and flipped the counseling statement over. On the back page of the statement there was a box titled, “SESSION CLOSING,” where Faith was expected to X a box and sign his name. Faith put a bold X in the box marked, “disagree with the information above” and began furiously writing in the space below the marked box.
When he was done, Faith signed the counseling statement with a flourish and spun the document around to face The Dud. “All done sir,” he said, “Your turn.” Faith held the pen up.
The Dud took the pen and glanced suspiciously down at what Faith had written. “If there is anything in there you can’t read because of my handwriting, I’ll be glad to clarify it for you,” Faith offered helpfully.

The Dud read what Faith had written, and then looked up at Faith. “If you want to go ahead and sign your part, I’ll make a copy and return the original to you,” Faith said, calmly. The Dud did not reply, nor did he bend over to sign the document himself. Instead, without a word, he turned and left the room, taking the counseling statement with him. A few seconds later, Faith heard something he expected: the sound of The Dud’s paper shredder. “Bastard stole my pen, too,” Faith muttered, content with the thought that he had foiled yet another of The Dud’s schemes. And it was almost 1600 hours, too.
and.... what Faith wrote on the counseling statement..."Dud owned the SCIF at the time of the incident, and now the DCO has informed me that all Dud's MID and SCIF and NCO are belong to me as of 1600..."

Mara, um, CPT Faith... Your wife called and emailed multiple times, you are in deep deep derka doo....
Totentanz... that's not music, it's the firing squad, it just sounds like a drumroll at band camp from a distance.

Really really need milk... 8-)

How can the kids have cookies and milk without milk? Preposterous! Cruel and unusal treatment of children, or adults... no milk with the cookies... Faith is such a bastige for not thinking of his abused children.:mad:}:-)
After been awarded the Group MID job and having gotten the better of The Dud, Faith should have been in a good mood. But he wasn’t. He felt… disappointment. While he was thrilled to have been offered a second command, in an SF Group no less, he was less than thrilled by the circumstances that led to this arrangement. The way this SHOULD have worked, in his opinion was that he should have come into the Group, worked as an assistant for the Group S2 (“for a competent Group S2,” he mentally corrected himself), and moved down to be a Battalion S2 after he demonstrated competence at that Group level. Then, the best out of the three Battalion S2s should have been selected to be the Group MID commander. The MID gig was a plum assignment for an intel guy, but Faith walked into the job, kind of by default. He absently wondered if he would take never having been offered the MID job, to have competent intel types to work alongside in the Group. “That’s a tough call…” he thought to himself as he reached for the phone to call his wife.
My experience states that Faith made the wrong choice when he signed the counseling statement. My guidance in the past has been to not sign and seek JAG or IG councel prior to signing if the counseling statement was pure BS. I was also told that once it was signed, it was part of the record, and most leaders don't care that you disagree. Faith got lucky that the Dud blinked.
Mara I am a little upset with you right have left hanging for way too long. We must know what the wife has to say and how this ends. I would like the story to finish before I get Alzheimer or deploy. We will call Household 6 if you force or hand anymore.
:) Tuve una gran prueba de espanol esta manana, fue necesario que yo estudiar mucho durante los dias pasado, y por eso no tuve tiempo para escribir mucho. Lo siento. Y, ahora, mi mama esta aqui... pero no te preocupes, voy a escribir mas para ti manana.