CCT Recruiting video


Verified SOF
May 8, 2009
Denver, CO
Ok, so a long long time ago, maybe in 2005. I witnessed the best recruiting video I have ever seen in my life. Puts Delta's too shame.
It was 24th STS recruiting video.. I mostly remember that the song in the background was Chevelle's - Get Some [ame=""][/ame].

Id love to see it again. PM me if you know what I am talking about, and if you can help out in those regards.

although a valient effort - neither of those two are it.
those are pretty cool - the one I'm talking about is epic.

I'm starting to think it might be classified.
If it is classified ask your congressman he will get the video for you. OPSEC means nothing to those people apparently.
I know the one you're talking about. I am not real sure if it's secret or FOUO, but it's not public knowledge, and it's not out there.
We don't even have it on the unclass side my friend. Ill ask around at work today and find out the real answer, and if I can send it, I will.