I also got to see these up close and personal. It is the newest concealed carry method I am aware of, and probably the coolest IWB style I've ever seen. The guy demo'ing the product in the video was at the Central Florida gun show with them.
He had a 1911 in his pants (almost totally invisible), and I tested the holster and was able to carry an M-9 in my pants- which is a HUGE freaking gun to carry that way, too. But I swear it worked, and was highly concealed. The flap of leather disperses the pressure, so it really reduces the print.
Take a look. Some of you might be interested in getting one. My opinion is it is very, very concealed, doesn't leave much of a print, (looks like you are carrying something in your pocket) is relatively comfortable, and the quality of the product looks pretty good, with double stitched seams, etc.
At the time, while I was in the gun show, I didn't buy one because (a.) I wanted to do some research on what other people say about it, and (b.) I was unsure of how accessible it would be when you needed to draw under pressure.