One thing to consider is that while this is the information age, the only thing you need to get through your selection and training (include: life) is a working set of eyes, ears, and gonads.
That is it.
It tires me to see people overwhelm themselves with worry and doubt (especially from our house). Even if the first two subjects are not the case with you or anyone else - there is no magic answer to any magic question that is going to get anyone through a selection or a school that turns a bone-throwing savage into a warfighter without that gear list. Cannot happen, will not happen.
Show up ready to go; be conditioned (body & brain) and display a positive attitude with a willingness to learn.
The problem isn't asking a question but that you are asking questions that do not apply to what you need to know to do your job. Doing so displays a mentality that says "I'm not here entirely" and that will flag you.
More relevant to now, and on a broader scale, we (this forum) do not like seeing that mentality displayed just as much as your future evaluators/cadre/psycho-analysts do not like the said traits in a candidate.
We get it with 16 year olds, but not mil guys (especially an 03 type).
Good luck,