Election Day and Results

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I think that is an interesting idea.

Don't you think they would just supplement their income from special interests?

We have come so far from the aspect of the non-professional politician. NC state rep Paul Luebke, just passed away, was a professor at UNC-G. Just an example of being able to work full-time and be a representative in the state. Most state legislators have part-time representatives who have to work to make ends meet. Seems it could happen at the federal level, too.
We have come so far from the aspect of the non-professional politician. NC state rep Paul Luebke, just passed away, was a professor at UNC-G. Just an example of being able to work full-time and be a representative in the state. Most state legislators have part-time representatives who have to work to make ends meet. Seems it could happen at the federal level, too.
In KommieFornia we pay our state legislators 6 figures.
Those aren't serious challenges. I'm talking about a proposed bill that gathers steam in Congress.
Well...I don't think it gets any steam, but in her final act as one of the worst Senators from California ever: Barbara Boxer introduced/will introduce a bill to do just that.
Apparently Trump is talking about continuing to run his company whilst in office....

Can't be any conflict there at all.
^ Disregard...amazing how enlightening a 3 sec. Google search can be.

And concur...I don't know how serious the talk really is but doing so would be very problematic in my book. On the other hand, at least I'd expect dealings to generally be above the table and any actions in the spotlight, unlike a lot of the other shit I imagine takes place in Washington.
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Apparently Trump is talking about continuing to run his company whilst in office....

Can't be any conflict there at all.

If there was no interface between Trump Inc., and the US Government, it may be OK. There will plenty of room for argument and speculation over Trump's plan.
AFN rotates news channels throughout the day. At times it is annoying, but there are times like today when it is illuminating. Listening to Chris Matthews and MSNBC hammering Trump with "How not to run for President AND STILL WIN!", bringing up everything he said or did during the campaign, revisiting the same points over and over.... They even have the audacity to say that Trump played the media.

Democrats, get over it.

You lost and whatever you think of the man (my opinion of him is in the toilet) he's our president. People want peace and love and respect....and they aren't doing a damn thing to foster that environment. He's evil, if you voted for him you want a fascist president/ country, you're a racist, Melania is a Soviet sleeper agent or whatever garbage they are vomiting up today.

You call yourselves "progressives" but you seem hell bent on clinging to the past. You want to show your leadership? Rise above the crap and LEAD. 4 years of whining and sniveling makes your job that much harder.

And now they are blasting him for running a negative campaign.

Show the country you're a true "progressive" by leading and moving forward and stop acting like a 7 YO whose mommy won't buy him a candy bar.
I keep seeing little hints, to outright election result changing recounts. Is this grasping at straws, or a real threat?

In some ways it reminds me of a couple of summer jobs I worked construction and Highway Dept jobs. At the end of one day working on repaving a road, the crew truck was headed back with five of us sitting in the bed of the pickup truck. One of the "problem child, entitled" was late getting to the truck, and had to run to catch the truck. One of the guys extended a long-handled shovel for the guy to grab and get a pull up into the truck bed. As soon as he grabbed the shovel, the guy in the truck bed simply let go of the shovel. The guy did a full face plant. Our truck just gathered speed and headed back to the office. He did show up for work a couple of days later and put in a few more days, but he was gone after that. His dad was a local political figure and the kid thought he was getting a cake job of directing traffic at the job site. I remember his first day when they gave him a shovel as the foreman told him to start digging. The look on his face was priceless. I'm hoping this "recount" is just a grabbing the shovel event.
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