Election Day and Results

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I appreciate the compliment. No harm no foul. We get passionate about or discussions and that's ok. I probably could have toned down my response as well as my natural inclination is to attack. Nonetheless, thanks for the olive branch. I sometimes need the reminder to vent plasma before going to warp speed lol.

As for Trump, I kinda like his brashness when dealing with people. I feel like the CinC has gotten a little too out of touch with the common citizen. I am still hopeful that positive changes will come from all of this. I realize everyone doesn't share that belief, but for better or worse it is till death or impeachment do us part. :thumbsup:

I think that's very fair. Looking back, though I agree with @amlove21's post and feel exactly the same way I don't think any post in the vein of 'Don't you see how wrong you were you fucking hypocrites!' is a way to convince anyone of anything. It certainly wouldn't convince me - even on the things I've been a fucking hypocrite on :).
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