Election Day and Results

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Even though political, is the DNC not a private corporation? How is it OK for Obama to use tax dollars and diplomatic pressure to defend a private corporation?

He will say that it does not matter what entity was hacked, but instead that the hack happened with the intent of swaying the US election.
Even though political, is the DNC not a private corporation? How is it OK for Obama to use tax dollars and diplomatic pressure to defend a private corporation?

It's done for lots of US corporations as it is anyway. Lots of corps get briefings from government and advice on how to protect themselves from both human and electronic...interference and compromise.
All this fun back-and-forth aside, I do not trust the Russians one bit. And while I preferred Trump over Hillary, he is the fool that Putin likely deems him to be if he falls for the KGB flattery being heaped upon him.

I am still bitter about the praise Obama got and the grief Romney took over this exchange:

Don't assume with that post I made that I trust Putin anymore than I ever have. I don't. Do a search of my posts.

Once KGB, always KGB.
Don't assume with that post I made that I trust Putin anymore than I ever have. I don't. Do a search of my posts.

Once KGB, always KGB.

Was in no way directed at any particular poster, just my "I don't trust him and never have" speech in general.
Oh sure, blame the Podesta hack on Putin instead of that DNC doofus who fell for a phishing email. Or that other DNC staffer who disseminated new passwords...via email.

Even professionals will fall for phishing emails.

It does sound like Podesta was particularly ill-served by DNC IT staff, though.
Even professionals will fall for phishing emails.

Very true, but it also shows how little they pay attention. A phishing email is so "Security 101" even CNN or Fox will discuss it. There is NO reason for any corporate/ government user to not understand what a phishing email looks like. None.
Please tell me they are going to take his Twitter account away after the inauguration.

LOL on this one, lighten up.

I'm trying to "lighten up", I really am.

But sometimes he's so far from what I'd expect as "normal" presidential behavior, It <some word I cannot come up with> me just a bit. This is going to be an interesting 4 years.
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