Election Day and Results

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Personally, I hate titles. That's why I don't use them or allow them to attach themselves to me.

I am many things at many times. I am liberal in some, conservative in others, and yet right smack in the middle of both in other issues.

We can be adults here!

Get with the program Mr. @benroliver and drive on.....
It is implying liberals are all crybabies. That is what he and Ilduce were saying.
I wasn't, and it's a stretch to construe it that way. I was stating that there are liberal crybabies, and that the person in question may well be one of them.
I wasn't, and it's a stretch to construe it that way. I was stating that there are liberal crybabies, and that the person in question may well be one of them.

This is just what we were talking about earlier on this thread. Stereotypes. We tend to focus on stereotypes--like liberal crybabies or angry white racist Trump supporters--because they're the ones who get the media attention. As @Etype writes, there are crybabies among liberals just as there are some racist Trump supporters...and benrollover's post did come off to some of us as whining.
I agree with a lot of what has been said on both sides of the discussion. Maybe we can shift the discussion off of site members and return it to the original intent of the thread?
I agree with a lot of what has been said on both sides of the discussion. Maybe we can shift the discussion off of site members and return it to the original intent of the thread?

I'll drink to that, sir.

All these articles we've seen in Vanity Fair and Esquire and The New Yorker...they're grasping at straws to try and explain what happened on November 8th. And they're all wrong. They're missing the point entirely and they're compounding the misconceptions that led to this upheaval in the first place. I wish I could grab every fucking Democrat by the back of the neck and knock foreheads and enlighten them as to why Donald Trump is going to be our President.

Certainly at the core of his support there are probably some uneducated racist xenophobes, but they did not elect him. He got elected because a whole lot of people just can't stand Hillary. Period. The magazine writers, the TV news talking heads, they just don't get it. Bernie Sanders, any other Democrat, might've had a better chance at beating Trump. She is hated that much. Trump is the President-elect by default. If Daffy Duck had run against Hillary Daffy Duck would be the President-elect.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Back to the Killians.:thumbsup:
I am curious what everyone thinks of PE Trumps nominations this far. Outside of Mattis there isn't a single one that I think is a good pick. Most of his "outsiders" have just been other billionaires

Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

I am still trying to process it. Some of them I am like 'meh,' some I think are pretty good picks. I think Trump has done a decent job for some of them explaining why he chose them, but certainly not all.

One thing that is driving me insane is all of the chatter about them not having been in academia and having advanced degrees. It reminds me of one of my wife's favorite quotes: "a man with experience trumps (no pun intended) a man with an opinion."

I would love to get myself nominated for Ambassador to St. Lucia or one of the other Caribbean islands...
General Kelly for Homeland Security seems like a good pick since most of our Homeland Security issues stem from drugs and immigration so the former commander of USSouthCom ought to be a qualified choice.

Sessions for Attorney General seems like a solid choice though Ivreally would have like Trey Gowdy

And Mulvaney for Management and Budget seems like a solid choice given his stances on the defense budget.

Viola for Army Secretary seems like a good pick and received a lot of praise from Major General Scales. Former Ranger and successful CEO who built his fortune on innovation in an established institution (Wall Street).

I don't know enough about the other Caninet positions like Commerce et al but his chief strategist Brannon seems like a poor choice and his UN ambassador Haley seems unqualified for that particular position.
I am curious what everyone thinks of PE Trumps nominations this far. Outside of Mattis there isn't a single one that I think is a good pick. Most of his "outsiders" have just been other billionaires

Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration
Here is the way I see it/rationalize it. I will grant you from the start, my view is an optimistic one, given the state of the last 8 years of appointments I like to think we have hit bottom and are going upwards. Whether that is the case or not remains to be seen. At first glance it does appear that a bunch of rich cronies are getting appointments. However, another way to view it is that many of these billionaires have experience running large organizations with the goal of producing profitable gains (meaning forward progress). Many of these business oriented appointees are capable of managing corporations with thousands or tens of thousands of employees with even more customers. In a sense, these secretaries will have millions of customers to service and need someone who can organize them efficiently. Do I want to see some academic, theorist, or low end manager take the top slot? No.

Again, I realize this view is a bit of a rosy one. However, as I said from the start, I am anxious to see what can be done here. PE Trump did promise to find the best people for the job, so I am willing to trust his judgement for the moment. Time will tell.
The rush is on to commute, and pardon as many as he can. The number today is 1,324 with the proclamation that this is the country of second chances. For today alone, 231 were granted clemency.

He still has over 50 to get out of Gitmo so he can close that down.
You can look at a comprehensive list of the pardons that he's made: President Obama Grants Commutations and Pardons
A lot of them are for guys who were put in jail for dealing crack during the 90's. The prevailing wisdom is that a lot of those guys received sentences disproportionate to their crimes simply because people were panicking about crack at the time. Congress even passed a law in 2010 to rectify this practice: Fair Sentencing Act - Wikipedia
I am curious what everyone thinks of PE Trumps nominations this far. Outside of Mattis there isn't a single one that I think is a good pick. Most of his "outsiders" have just been other billionaires

Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

I think only time will tell. I don't know enough about all the candidates to feel that I can offer cogent opinions on each one. It does appear that he is mostly sticking to nominating people who are not part of "The Machine", which was to be expected. I am hopeful that as controversial as some of the picks are, and as divided as the country is right now, this step away from the status quo will be a tangible turning point in the righting of the American ship.

Edited to correct a spelling error.
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I am curious what everyone thinks of PE Trumps nominations this far. Outside of Mattis there isn't a single one that I think is a good pick. Most of his "outsiders" have just been other billionaires

Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration
I think that he's draining the swamp and doing what many Presidents of old did, sought Captains of Industry to help lead the government rather than a lifelong congress criminal or bureaucrat.
The rush is on to commute, and pardon as many as he can. The number today is 1,324 with the proclamation that this is the country of second chances. For today alone, 231 were granted clemency.

He still has over 50 to get out of Gitmo so he can close that down.

You have no idea. Read this.

CHARLOTTE, NC--(Marketwired - Dec 15, 2016) - An official request to the White House from Exodus Foundation.org has been made, asking President Obama to adopt the Exodus Coalition Plan before he leaves office in order to systematically commute the sentences of all non-violent and overcharged federal inmates. Developed by Rev. Dr. Madeline McClenney-Sadler, President, and founder of Exodus Foundation.org, the Exodus Coalition Plan establishes a new and fairer set of criteria for clemency. The press is invited to join Exodus Foundation.org in front of the White House on December 19th at 3 p.m. for a press conference during its ongoing vigil until President Obama's term ends.

The official request states, "We applaud the work of the White House Office of Pardons and the Clemency Project 2014; yet, under the current guidelines, only 10% of commutation applications are actually approved. We would be remiss to ignore the harsh sentences of the 80,000 federal inmates left behind classified as nonviolent and likely thousands more who have been overcharged." The Exodus Coalition Plan was designed to assist President Obama and to strengthen his hand to do justice.

Sure. Let's wait til the last minute and spring this. So, who's going to review each of the 80,000 cases? Just take our word for it because you're our buddy and let's set them all free........:rolleyes:

You have no idea. Read this.

Sure. Let's wait til the last minute and spring this. So, who's going to review each of the 80,000 cases? Just take our word for it because you're our buddy and let's set them all free........:rolleyes:


The Exodus Foundation, good Christ, and here I thought that justice had already been served.

It's really hard to see a positive side to this flood of prisoners hitting our streets before they have finished their networking and their graduate studies incomplete. One could say that this will reduce the amount of tax dollars we will need to spent on our correctional institutes. It might even have one looking forward to a reduction in taxes. NOT!

When you put criminals and drug dealers on the streets, what do drug dealers and criminals do? When the POW's are released from Gitmo, what are the POW's going to do?
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