Election Day and Results

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Sums it up well, the Democrats blaming everything but their flawed cannidate and their corrupt organization. The people were tired of it and they spoke at the polls.

Yea they spoke up with 2.8 million less votes :-" Can we please stop pretending Trump is some non-flawed anti-establishment world savior. The White House is about to be the new Trump tower, its humiliating.:thumbsdown:
Yea they spoke up with 2.8 million less votes :-" Can we please stop pretending Trump is some non-flawed anti-establishment world savior. The White House is about to be the new Trump tower, its humiliating.:thumbsdown:
Humiliating for you, and the droves of entitled children crying on YouTube. Thank God for the electoral college, a system that has saved us from absolute democratic mob rule.
Humiliating for you, and the droves of entitled children crying on YouTube. Thank God for the electoral college, a system that has saved us from absolute democratic mob rule.

Yes, because they are so different than Tea Party folks crying and screaming in town halls about their Muslim Kenyan Communist Hawaiian president. :rolleyes::rolleyes: The charge of entitlement is rich coming from a voting base chanting "we want our country back", as though they owned it and it was stolen from them. Voting a populist demagogue in IS humiliating.

But it's rigged.:rolleyes:

Lol exactly.
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Well, if you believe the CIA, et al., it is rigged. But for or against whom is the questions, and it appears the answers aren't what people thought 6 weeks ago.

I think there's a lot of evidence piling up (and was present before the election) that the Russian government tried to influence the election in Donald Trump's favor. However, I don't think many credible sources are making the claim Russian interference won the PE the election. In fact, I think most credible sources would say that charge would be impossible to prove. In fact, I don't think the democratic process really has a 'take-back' procedure other than the next election. If people were fooled, tricked, or just stupid when they cast their ballots they still cast them - and have to live with the results until they vote again or the candidate violates the law and is impeached.

I'm a liberal, and a Democrat. This election did not go the way I wanted. Almost every decision the PE has made since the election I think is a bad one. I think much of the campaign and his platform is a travesty to the values I hold most important. But, he won a largely free and fair election. He is the PE and will be the POTUS. Any attempt to change the rules or manipulate the process to prevent him taking office goes against what I hope are bedrock principles of being a liberal and being a Democrat. If that ends up being the case then I am no longer either.
Yes, because they are so different than Tea Party folks crying and screaming in town halls about their Muslim Kenyan Communist Hawaiian president. :rolleyes::rolleyes: The charge of entitlement is rich coming from a voting base chanting "we want our country back", as though they owned it and it was stolen from them. Voting a populist demagogue in IS humiliating.
Do you need a safe space to discuss your grievances? How many people started fires or were arrested after President Obama's elections?

Luckily, the "rigged" system keeps any single person from having too much power. Don't kick and scream too much, just try again in 2020.
Another James Comey wild card just got dropped on the 2016 election

We should just wait and see what actually comes of this.
He really doesn't like being on the same sheet of music as Loretta, does he?

Yes, because they are so different than Tea Party folks crying and screaming in town halls about their Muslim Kenyan Communist Hawaiian president. :rolleyes::rolleyes: The charge of entitlement is rich coming from a voting base chanting "we want our country back", as though they owned it and it was stolen from them. Voting a populist demagogue in IS humiliating.
Pretty sure you don't understand what they mean by "we want our country back." Flys over your head. If Trump is a demagogue, so was his opponent and saying and believing anything different just makes the person less intelligent and creates a false narrative.

Do you need a safe space to discuss your grievances? How many people started fires or were arrested after President Obama's elections?

Luckily, the "rigged" system keeps any single person from having too much power. Don't kick and scream too much, just try again in 2020.
I mean, a lot...but those were "victory celebrations" sort of similar to when the Lakers won their last championship.
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Raw Data - Whoever voted for "OTHERS" are 100% responsible for Hillary's loss.

Edit to add - The Swing states are the fist place Hillary should look, not the Kremlin, at her loss....:ninja:

"Democrats Lost America's Trust but Hope to Regroup for 2020 Race" doesn't sell papers nor does it cause more anger in America like:

Why Angry White America Fell for Putin


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Raw Data - Whoever voted for "OTHERS" are 100% responsible for Hillary's loss.

If there had only been two candidates on the ticket, how many of those "others" voters would have voted for Hillary and how many would have voted for Trump... and how many would just have stayed home? Seems like a large assumption that the Libertarian Party voters (who outnumber Greens 3:1) would have all thrown their votes for a Dem candidate, much less an establishment one.
I think there's a lot of evidence piling up (and was present before the election) that the Russian government tried to influence the election in Donald Trump's favor. However, I don't think many credible sources are making the claim Russian interference won the PE the election. In fact, I think most credible sources would say that charge would be impossible to prove. In fact, I don't think the democratic process really has a 'take-back' procedure other than the next election. If people were fooled, tricked, or just stupid when they cast their ballots they still cast them - and have to live with the results until they vote again or the candidate violates the law and is impeached.

I'm a liberal, and a Democrat. This election did not go the way I wanted. Almost every decision the PE has made since the election I think is a bad one. I think much of the campaign and his platform is a travesty to the values I hold most important. But, he won a largely free and fair election. He is the PE and will be the POTUS. Any attempt to change the rules or manipulate the process to prevent him taking office goes against what I hope are bedrock principles of being a liberal and being a Democrat. If that ends up being the case then I am no longer either.

I agree with you. I said what I said because there are people on both sides pointing fingers and looking to the other candidate's camp with regard to having had Russian influence, and everyday a bomb drops that is exposing something new, which is challenging what people believed before the election.

Right now it's like watching the Keystone Cops, the Thee Stooges, and Abbott and Costello all rolled into one. Lynch and Comey are not on the same page, FBI and CIA aren't on the same page, and even Putin has dared Obama to put his cards on the table.

Edited, I use "rig" and "influence" synonymously.
Yea they spoke up with 2.8 million less votes :-" Can we please stop pretending Trump is some non-flawed anti-establishment world savior. The White House is about to be the new Trump tower, its humiliating.:thumbsdown:

Who is pretending that Trump is a non-flawed world savior? The people that are happy he won the election? Is that now synonymous with your ridiculous assertion? Here's what I've noticed as your trend in these political threads. You are overly emotional, and lack the ability to coherently argue the points. So, you resort to unfounded accusations, left-wing rhetoric, and pointless snark. I don't agree with most of what some of the other liberal members here say. However, they are fastidious in their adherence to arguing facts, numbers, data, etc, as opposed to the eye roll inducing crap that you post.

Edited to fix a syntax error.
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