Election Day and Results

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What is your take on this? We frown upon guys dropping a link without any thoughts because then we become a news aggregation site.

Yea sorry about that, I clicked post reply and it was hanging up. I was actually worried it was going to post a dozen times but it seems it ended up just being a link. My grandparents satellite internet is trash.

Anyways, I think it is still pretty unclear what exactly happened with all of the leaks. The media, as usual, is being irresponsible and partisan hacks from all sides are just chomping at the bit to grasp on to anything. Journalism as a whole is in quite a sad state these days.

The question for me is, should the public ever be privy to the results of the investigations on this?
I enjoyed how the article said we should be skeptical of unconfirmed reporting, then outlined the intelligence community as liars. They were careful not to raise the possibility that the journalists may be lying outright.

Point number 5, accusing the Dems of being "McCarthyite," was also pretty appealing to me. It was an ironic and fitting comparison for what they were doing, all the while trying to bring us deeper in socialism.
So I just did the math. Voter turnout was higher than in 2008 by 5,424,968 based upon available numbers.
This is interesting. How did you arrive at this figure? I only ask because turnout in 2008 was really high and I'm not sure that the final vote tallies are in for this election yet.
More lib spoiled tantrums of skullduggery and faggottry. Death throes if you ask me. They have lost period.
Gotcha. It looks like third party voting made up a lot of the extra voting this year. Although, it should be noted that even though this year saw a higher number of total votes, the (preliminary) turnout rate was about 4% lower than 2008. Of course we won't know the exact totals and turnout rate until the vote is certified, but I doubt that it will exceed 2008's rate.
Did our voting age population increase that much in 8 years for 5 million+ votes not to at least tick up the turnout rate?
I imagine that the population estimates changed between 2008 and 2016 because of the 2010 census.

ETA: The voting age population estimate for 2008 was 225,499,000 (according to the FEC's official doc)
It'll be interesting to see that the voting age pop. estimate will be for 2016. We'll have a slightly more recent census than the 2008 election.
I enjoyed how the article said we should be skeptical of unconfirmed reporting, then outlined the intelligence community as liars. They were careful not to raise the possibility that the journalists may be lying outright.

Gone are the days of independent, 2-source verification. Now everything is "leaked by an anonymous (or unnamed) source," or "source asked not to be named."

But I think they should 'go there' with the media, call them out as liars. Make them back up or refute their claims.
Hey BO I see your a "student". I bet you don't say much in class. Maybe read more and learn a lot might give you an idea about the audience here. I for one think fake news are rumors...

Why are you attacking me? "I bet you don't say much in class". What exactly are you implying? As for being a student, i consider myself a life long student. There is always something new to learn is there not?
I enjoyed how the article said we should be skeptical of unconfirmed reporting, then outlined the intelligence community as liars. They were careful not to raise the possibility that the journalists may be lying outright.

Well they did provide some evidence against the CIA and they do not really have any evidence as of now that shows that the NYT fabricated the whole thing. That particular writer has accused journalists of lying outright many times before though.
Well they did provide some evidence against the CIA...
I didn't see a thing I would call evidence. I may have missed it, bit just them saying, "CIA," doesn't indicate evidence to me.
I didn't see a thing I would call evidence. I may have missed it, bit just them saying, "CIA," doesn't indicate evidence to me.

Are you on a phone or tablet? I know with mine I cant click the links sometimes. They highlighted the text so it links to another article. I hate the way they do that, its kind of lazy.
Hey BO I see your a "student". I bet you don't say much in class. Maybe read more and learn a lot might give you an idea about the audience here. I for one think fake news are rumors...
Dude, stow the backseat moderation. FF already addressed the issue and @benroliver is contributing just fine.

And for the record, I am a student - without the scare quotes.
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