Election Day and Results

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Are you on a phone or tablet? I know with mine I cant click the links sometimes. They highlighted the text so it links to another article. I hate the way they do that, its kind of lazy.
I see the article you are talking about it, I'm just not convinced it was an actual leak and not fake news.
Then it is a misleading quote as many of those "agencies" are just sections within another entity who provide raw data and some analysis to higher level organizations.

Agreed.....but it is the way the USIC is currently structured.

Seventeen separate organizations unite to form the Intelligence Community (IC).
The overall efforts of the IC are administered by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). ODNI's role is to organize and coordinate the efforts of the other 16 IC agencies. Those agencies are divided into three groups:
  • Program Managers, who advise and assist the ODNI in identifying requirements, developing budgets, managing finances and evaluating the IC's performance
  • Departmentals, which are IC components within government departments outside of the DoD that focus on serving their parent department's intelligence needs
  • Services, which encompass intelligence personnel in the armed forces, and which primarily support their own service branch's needs
The Intel Community has proved in the past it is ready to go to work to help tell a false story. 4 Years ago one of those 16 listed Intel Agencies told Hillary and President Obama that the attacks in Benghazi were the result of an Internet Video?:-":-o:wall:
Denzel is spot on in his assessment of the media's approach to stories (I almost called it a "recent approach" or "as of late" but it's not):
I saw on CNN that more democrat EC voters have signed a petition to get an intel briefing about the Russian hacking thing, and HRC's camp is supporting that. I made a comment that they are not .gov employees and do not have a 'need to know,' and thus think they do not need access. I was yelled at "of course they are government employees and deserve to know."

When people do not understand the role of the EC voters and their relationship to actual government AND the need for clearance for certain information, it is such an uphill battle it's nearly impossible. People are going to believe what they want to believe.
With regards to news outlets and false or misleading information, that has been happening since the first story tellers of the tribe, since Romans read messages in town squares from wax tablets, and is ingrained into American history from the beginning of the colonial days leading up to the American Revolution and every since.

The primary difference is the speed in which the information is available and the ability of it to influence masses at faster and faster speed.

Something as simple as an officer involved shooting, news report with whatever idological leanings, mass dump via, TV, radio, internet, and by evening time people are rioting in the streets or hold memorials, or both, etc. Nothing really different than the past, just a lot faster.

I often wonder how much email, texting, cell phones and the like, have effected decision processing, response and outcomes vs what they may have been if people were forced to take time and think over several hours or days before getting the information and or responding.

Although great to know what is what now, sometimes our response should be slower and given time for reflection. I see the news in the same light.

Meanwhile in NC:

North Carolina Republicans Try to Curtail the Democratic Governor's Power Before He Can Use It

My take: this is straight garbage. For all the talk from the right about accepting the loss and it being a mandate,at the federal level, at the state level they are trying to do all kinds of wacky shit.

I read the changes. Some are real head scratchers, some are pretty good, some are just plain bad. I hate the timing of all of this. Talking about being a poor loser. But a lot of the changes don't have anything to do with "D" or "R" and just restructuring existing entities.

I think the headline is misleading, though. If Cooper gets a democrat majority in the legislature some of those panels and entities will favor his administration.

I will say, they could have just left well enough alone and let Cooper and the legislature muddle through it.
We -- as a nation -- need to move forward and show the world that we are still the top nation in the world. We don't need to be seen as a nation of cowards or whiners. This election used the same voting system that we have for decades. There is always a winner and a loser. That is a fact. Losers need to lose with dignity -- face it, your person didn't win. Regardless of that matter, the nation has a President-Elect.

Other countries are watching us and taking note of the issues we are facing. They are forming opinions of us as a nation based on people's reactions to the outcome of our Presidential election. Let's not be making arguments based on emotions, but on logic and facts.

Rant off....
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